Steamgifts point monitoring

Steamgifts point monitoring2.1

Real-time(60s) monitoring steamgifts.com website widget sweepstakes points. 监控steamgifts.com网站抽奖点数的小插件This is a site for monitoring the number of points you


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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Real-time(60s) monitoring steamgifts.com website widget sweepstakes points. 监控steamgifts.com网站抽奖点数的小插件This is a site for monitoring the number of points you steamgifts.com integral gadgets. Otherwise, every time a benefits package is easy to reach the upper limit of the number of points rose 300 points, do not fall too wasted words.Function is very simple, plug in your own icons below will display the current number of points. And after the change point, there will be a pop-up reminder desktop (five seconds after the disappearance), where it is needed without any human intervention, fully automatic.Permission to do so, you only need to read the www.steamgifts.com Web page, rest assured this is impossible to read any of your personal information.====================================================================这是一个用来监控你在steamgifts.com网站点数积分的小玩意。不然每次有福利包点数大涨很容易达到300点的上限,不用掉的话太浪费了。功能十分简单,插件在自己的图标下面会有当前的点数显示。并且在点数变更后,会有桌面提醒弹出提示(5秒后消失),无任何需要人工干预的地方,全自动的。权限的话,只需要读取www.steamgifts.com网站页面,放心这个是无法读取到你的任何个人信息的。


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