Tinning the Tabs

Tinning the Tabs1.0.2

为你打造极其便利的标签暂存功能,全新的界面设计更提高了交互性和实用性,每次重新打开的页面将会定位在关闭时的位置,一切惊喜等您去探索。A temporary holding and management for Google Chrome tabs. The totally new designed user in


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

282KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

为你打造极其便利的标签暂存功能,全新的界面设计更提高了交互性和实用性,每次重新打开的页面将会定位在关闭时的位置,一切惊喜等您去探索。A temporary holding and management for Google Chrome tabs. The totally new designed user interface enhance the interaction and practicability of this extension. Moreover, It can remember the last position.!通知:我留意到近期使用该插件的用户数开始越来越多,所以我有继续更新插件(包括新功能和新视觉设计)的打算,在这里留言告诉我你的建议吧,谢谢。### 1.0.0—— Store all the tabs from the current window by single click.- Display the grouped tabs by two mode: **Grid** or **List**.- Support giving another folder name to each group.- Re-open the whole chrome window with the totally same tab content by single click, too.- Remove one grouped tabs, you can not re-open them again.- Smoothly scrolling by dragging the list up and down.- Scroll to the last position when you re-open them.You’re also allowed to set:- Close tabs when tin tabs or not- Open tabs in new window or not- Support feedback


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