Bitcoin/Litecoin Ticker Alarm

Bitcoin/Litecoin Ticker Alarm0.39

Shows latest price ticker of popular BTC/LTC trading exchanges, and plays sound when the price exceeds certain value.Update in v0.39:Updated Huobi ticker API


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

436KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

Shows latest price ticker of popular BTC/LTC trading exchanges, and plays sound when the price exceeds certain value.Update in v0.39:Updated Huobi ticker API address.更新火币价格地址。Update in v0.38:A small bug about Huobi is fixed.修复火币的一个小bug。Update in v0.37:Opens the corresponding bitcoinwisdom chart when the user clicks the extension icon.当用户单击工具栏价格图标的时候,打开对应货币的 bitcoinwisdom k线图。Update in v0.36:1. Changed the way the badge text is displayed.2. Added support of litecoin price tickers.更新了工具栏图标上的价格标签显示方式。增加莱特币的价格显示。支持如下交易所的比特币/莱特币价格显示:Huobi, OKCoin, BTCChina, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, BTC-E使用方法:1. 安装本扩展。2. 价格会显示在Chrome的扩展工具栏上,缺省每15秒更新一次。3. 在本扩展“选项”里可以设置报警闹铃,有“高于某价格报警”和“低于某价格报警”两个闹铃。如果某闹铃设为0,则此闹铃禁用。Supported BTC/LTC exchanges:Huobi, OKCoin, BTCChina, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, BTC-EUsage:1. Install this extension.2. The price will show as a badge over the extension icon, refreshed every 15 seconds.3. Set “high price alarm” and/or “low price alarm” in the “Options” page (via the right-click menu on the extension icon). Set to 0 to disable the alarm.This extension is based on ryaneof’s simple-bitcoin-ticker (https://github.com/ryaneof/simple-bitcoin-ticker). I added the alarm function.


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