

四月是你的谎言壁纸扩展程序重新定义了您的Chrome新标签页成为四月是你的谎言的背景壁纸。四月是你的谎言粉丝的主题。This extension features some of the great Your Lie In April background to make you feel good on yo


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

16.35MB 0 人已下载 手机查看

This extension features some of the great Your Lie In April background to make you feel good on your Chrome browser for FREE. The extension shuffle wallpaper every time you open a new tab.
Turn your Chrome new tab into beautiful and powerful utility browser with Your Lie In April anime wallpaper extension. Background theme for chromebook, laptop, desktop or pc.
Extension Features:

Shuffle Your Lie In April wallpaper every time you open a new tab.
Randomize background theme in settings option.
Get easy access to popular sites with custom web search.
Quick access to your emails and social media accounts.
Show current date and time automatically.
Sticky notes give you the Your Lie In April feels in completing real-life tasks.
Get easy access to your most frequently visited websites.
Get easy access to your bookmarks websites.
Quick access to Google apps.
Quick access to More Themes.
Easy Sharing to Social Media.
Enable fun snow, rain, falling leaves, fireworks animation in new tab.

If you have any questions about our Your Lie In April wallpaper new tab extension or just want to give us some feedback, feel free to send us a message or write a review! We’d love to hear from you. You can mouse over to Support tab on the extension, then click on "visit the developer’s support site" to contact us.
If you wish to remove this new tab extension, follow this steps:

Click the 3-dot icon at the top-right corner of your screen.
Hover your mouse on More tools then click Extensions.
Find the wallpaper extension.
Press "Remove"

OR –
Right-click the extension icon on the extension bar (next to the URL bar) and select Remove from Chrome.

If you like our Your Lie In April wallpaper extension, check out other CoolThemeStores extensions that are also available on the CWS!


Archery Blast Shooting Game
凭借您的射箭技能,您必须击中所有目标并完成具有挑战性的关卡。在美丽的 3d 场景中开始传奇的箭头游戏。从 12 射击所有目标并见证冒险。怎么玩玩过鼠标。射箭爆炸射击游戏特色✓ 卡通图形✓ 20+级✓ 有趣的声音✓ 易于控制✓ 3D 环境终于,您可以免费享受这些游戏了(更多要求将被添加)! Archery Blas
Transform Web page in 3d Beta
在 3d 测试版中转换网页。此扩展程序可让您在 3D 中转换网页。您可以在 3d 中旋转、移动、放大和缩小网页,并在 3d 变换中与网页交互。要开始转换,请单击该图标。一旦扩展程序初始化,网页就会缩小。要旋转网页,请左键单击并按住鼠标,然后移动鼠标以旋转网页。要停止旋转,请松开鼠标单击。要移动网页,请右键单击并按
Glitter Backgrounds HD Custom Twinkle New Tab
在专为闪光粉丝设计的自定义新标签主题中享受闪光壁纸。很酷的功能,高清闪烁壁纸背景。安装我的 Glitter New Tab,在您的起始页中享受各种高清闪烁壁纸。特征: ★ 随机播放所有闪光壁纸背景,或者只是您最喜欢的闪烁背景壁纸。 ★ 粘滞便笺、待办事项和提醒、事件倒计时。 ★ 动态闪光壁纸动画、屏幕保护程序和闪
在网页上涂鸦,甚至是带有数独谜题的页面!享受在线数独?对 UI 感到沮丧?此扩展程序可让您在拼图上涂鸦,因此您可以在线使用与使用铅笔和纸解决问题时相同的标记。实际上,这可以让您在任何网页上涂鸦,因此您可能会发现除了数独谜题之外的其他用途。
允许您观看过滤后的 YouTube 视频(并自己创建过滤器),以便静音/跳过令人反感或无聊的内容。 ZingFilter 允许您观看过滤后的 YouTube 视频,去除不需要的粗言秽语、极端暴力、裸体、色情、淫秽和无聊的内容。该扩展程序还允许任何人为您选择的 YouTube 视频创建自定义过滤器。安装了 Zing
Web Strike
打击网络!网络罢工摧毁任何网站单击并按住“ctrl”按钮,鼠标变成一把枪,只需打开任何网站并开始用鼠标点击网络即可。通过利奥尔奥尔特曼版权所有 © 版权所有

