Domain Control

Domain Control1.0.50

Block unwanted content with a few clicks.Create your own, personal filter list with domains you want to block.➤ See all connection requests of a website (


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

11.38KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

Block unwanted content with a few clicks.
Create your own, personal filter list with domains you want to block.
➤ See all connection requests of a website (also ads + trackers)
➤ Disable pop-ups, flashing banners or dangerous sites
➤ Speed-up loading times with reduced data usage
➤ Free the web of social media buttons and more
Unlike some default list with over 10’000 entries, you are in control of what is blocked and what not.
This will also result in a higher browser performance because the block list will be way smaller.
Decide yourself what should be loaded, the menu shows domains to block. A click on the ✘-button disables the connection to the domain.
But be careful to not block the wrong ones, most websites need resources with terms like ‘cdn’, ‘akamai’, ‘cloudflare’ or ‘static’ to function properly.
Edit your filter list in the options dialog and use wildcards (*.) to block subdomains, too.
Once added, reload the visited website and your filters will be active.
★ Simple, effective and fast
★ Focused on low memory usage
★ Open Source and future-proof
★ 100% Vivaldi compatible
1.0.50 – updated options dialog
1.0.47 – updated domain menu
1.0.41 – optimizations, faster code
Feedback is welcome!
GitHub: See ➜Website link
Licensed under GNU GPLv3


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