Ajax Interceptor

Ajax Interceptor1.3.1

To modify response text of ajax requests✨1. You may have to refresh your page or restart the chrome after adding this extension.2. It is recommended that you


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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To modify response text of ajax requests✨1. You may have to refresh your page or restart the chrome after adding this extension.2. It is recommended that you turn off this extension(the icon should be gray) when you are not using it.3. This extension only overrides the response data in the XMLHTTPRequest object as well as the fetch method. The “real” response which you can see in DevTools’ “Network” panel will not be modified.github: https://github.com/YGYOOO/ajax-interceptor你可以用该插件修改页面上Ajax请求的返回结果。注意:✨1. 第一次安装完,请刷新你需要使用的页面,或者重启浏览器。2. 当你不需要使用该插件时,建议把开关关上(插件icon变为灰色),以免对页面正常浏览造成影响。3. 该插件只会在JS层面上对返回结果进行修改,即只会修改全局的XMLHTTPRequest对象和fetch方法里的返回值,进而影响页面展现。而你在chrome的devtools的network里看到的请求返回结果不会有任何变化。github地址(欢迎star~):https://github.com/YGYOOO/ajax-interceptor


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