Shareaholic for Google ChromeExplorer 35
让您用最简单的方法将网页分享到社交网络、电子邮件和博客等We support 200+ services with weekly updates and additions. A sample of supported services:Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bit.ly, G
更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:社交与通讯语言:中文平台:
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让您用最简单的方法将网页分享到社交网络、电子邮件和博客等We support 200+ services with weekly updates and additions. A sample of supported services:Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bit.ly, Goo.gl, Instapaper, Amazon Wish List, Digg, Google Buzz, Google Apps, Google Gmail, Google Notebook, Google Reader, Google Wave, SideWiki, WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, LiveJournal, Posterous, Soup.io, Tumblr, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, Delicious, Google Bookmarks, StumbleUpon, Dwellicious, Bebo, Mister Wong, Evernote, Netvibes, Stumpedia, Twine, Connotea, Diigo, Folkd, Simpy, addthis, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Share Button, AOL Mail, Outlook, Eudora, Thunderbird, Mail, Buzzster, Yahoo Buzz, Reddit, Techmeme, YC Hacker News, ShareThis, tweetmeme, Shareholic, SmakNews, Tipd, Care2, Current, Fark, Khabbr, Mixx, NewsTrust, Marginize, NowPublic, Propeller, Slashdot, Boxee, Kaboodle, Sphinn, MySpace, Orkut, Plurk, Identi.ca, Mozillaca, FriendFeed, Hyves, Netlog, Plaxo, Tweetie, Hub.tm, Hubspot, Bit.ly, Is.gd, j.mp, TinyURL, Tr.im, WeHeartIt, Clicky.me, Su.pr, PrintFriendly, Read It Later, Yammer, Google Translate, Box.net, Pinboard