Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ

Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ1.0.1.11

将您的电子邮件和标签备份、导出或解析到 Google 表格对商业来说是非常好的。坐在你的Gmail电子邮件中的数据可能是一个金矿。但是,如果你不知道如何提取这些数据,以更有效的方式来看待它,这些黄金很快就会变得毫无价值。要搜索你所有的电子邮件,并将你想要的信息手动输入到电子表格中,只是为了跟踪一些事情,如:线索、


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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将您的电子邮件和标签备份、导出或解析到 Google 表格对商业来说是非常好的。坐在你的Gmail电子邮件中的数据可能是一个金矿。但是,如果你不知道如何提取这些数据,以更有效的方式来看待它,这些黄金很快就会变得毫无价值。要搜索你所有的电子邮件,并将你想要的信息手动输入到电子表格中,只是为了跟踪一些事情,如:线索、订单、房地产列表、活动预订、支持问题等等,这是令人难以承受的。这个应用程序简化了所有这些繁琐的工作,并以自动、连续的方式为你做这些工作,使每封过去的电子邮件和每封新收到的符合你的过滤标准的电子邮件自动填充到你的谷歌表格。这就像拥有一份关于你需要跟踪的任何事情的实时报告,而且最重要的是,它为你节省了大量的时间。下面是一些关于为什么要解析电子邮件到表单的使用案例。✅ 从Gmail中导出订单和发货通知到谷歌表格✅ 从Gmail中导出邮件线索到谷歌表格✅ Email List Builder: 导出所有与你交换过电子邮件的人的联系信息。你可以从你的整个收件箱,从Gmail标签,或选择的邮件中导出这些联系信息。✅ 解析电子邮件,以获得所有被退回的电子邮件地址的报告(这很适合与我们的电子邮件营销软件https://mailking.io 一起使用)。✅ 与你的支持团队其他成员分享来自客户的支持问题✅备份你的电子邮件信息✅ 导出来自外语客户的电子邮件,这样你就可以通过翻译服务将其翻译出来,并对其进行智能回复✅ 使用它将你的费用报告或收据导出到谷歌表格(对税收很有帮助)。✅ 最后,你可以将你的数据从电子邮件中导入到你的数据库或CRM中。主要功能。⭐ 实时导出您的Gmail标签中的所有电子邮件,以及任何新传入的电子邮件到谷歌表格中⭐ 强大的电子邮件分析器编辑器,定义您想要导出到谷歌表格的确切信息(如何从您的电子邮件信息中提取数据)。⭐ 电子邮件信息可以导出为 PDF 并保存在 Google Drive 中⭐ 附件(如发票、收据等)以 PDF 格式保存在 Google Drive 中⭐ 人工智能规则用于检测从您的电子邮件正文中导出什么,如支付的金额,订单#,或其他它能检测到的模式。⭐ 导出所有电子邮件标题(包括X-标题)。⭐ 预建规则,导出所有联系信息,如:电话,电子邮件地址,从电子邮件正文中的网址链接。⭐ 已经为包含亚马逊订单、Paypal购买、Stripe等的邮件进行了预组织。⭐ G Suite 团队支持(从管理控制台控制电子邮件的导出)。今天就试试吧,不要再浪费你的宝贵时间了。我们有这个应用程序,为我们做这个单调的工作! 我们的目标是给你提供工具,为你做出最佳的战略决策。一旦你的数据以一种更容易理解的方式呈现,你就掌握了做出这些战略决策的知识力量。谷歌表格将帮助你了解你需要跟踪的任何东西的大局,在最新的电子表格报告中解析的电子邮件数据。它是如何工作的。1. 安装扩展程序2. 在左侧,选择要导出的标签,并在标签菜单中选择 “将标签保存到谷歌表格”。3. 选项对话框将打开4. 选择要导出的列(主题、发件人等)和选项(连续导出、电子表格名称等)。5. 我们的用户友好型编辑器将帮助您定义您想从电子邮件中解析的信息,并将这些信息提取到谷歌表格中(如订单#、用户评论等)。6. 开始导出? 你可以在这里阅读我们的博客,了解分步说明:https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-to-create-a-zillow-spadsheet-using-gmail-with-an-email-parser/云总部。帮助你的生产力,一次点击就可以了。云总部网站:https://www.cloudhq.net/应用程序网站:https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/价格:https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/pricing支持页面:https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/export-emails-to-excel-csv-or-google-sheet/博客:https://blog.cloudhq.net____EXCELLENT for business: The data sitting in your Gmail emails can be a goldmine.But if you don’t know how to extract that data to look at it in a more effective way, that gold can quickly become worthless.It’s overwhelming to have to search through all your emails and manually enter the information you want into a spadsheet just to keep track of things like incoming: leads, orders, real estate listings, support issues, and more.This app simplifies ALL off that tedious work, and does it for you in an automated, continuous way so that every new email that matches your filter criteria (like order #) auto-populates into your Google Sheet. It’s like having a real-time report on whatever you need to keep track of, and best of all, it’s saves you a ton of time.Here are some use cases:✅ Export order and shipping notifications from your email messages to Google Sheets✅ Export email Leads from your email messages to Google Sheets✅ Email List Builder: Export all contact information from anyone that you’ve ever exchanged emails with. You can export that contact information from your entire inbox, or from a Gmail label✅ Parse emails to get a report of all bounced email addresses (This is great to use with mailking.io, our email marketing software)✅ Share support issues coming in from customers with the rest of your support team✅ Backup (archive) your email messages✅ Export emails from foreign-language customers so that you can get them translated by a service✅  Use it to export your expense reports or receipts into Google Sheets (tax time is upon us!)✅ And finally, you can import your data from your emails into your database or CRMKey features:⭐ Real time export of all emails in your Gmail label, and any new emails coming in, to Google Sheets⭐ Powerful email parsing editor to define the exact information you want exported to Google Sheets (how to extract data from email message body)⭐ Email messages can be exported to PDF and saved in Google Drive⭐ Attachments (like invoices, receipts, etc.) saved as a PDF in Google Drive⭐ Artificial Intelligence rules are used to detect what to export from your email body, like amount paid, order #, or other patterns it can detect, etc.⭐ Export all email headers (including X- headers)⭐ Pre-built rules to export all contact information like: phone#, email addresses, url links from email body⭐ G Suite team support (control export of emails from admin console)Try it today and stop wasting your pcious time. We have apps to do these kinds of monotonous jobs! Our goal is to give you the tools to make the best strategic decisions once your data is psented in a way that can be more easily understood. And we know the info might be in Gmail, but it’s no way to make a good decision. Google Sheets will help you understand the bigger picture of whatever you need to keep track of.How it works:1. Install the extension2. On the left side, select the label to export and select “Save label to Google Sheets” in the label menu3. The options dialog will open4. Select columns to export (Subject, sender, etc.) and options (continuous export, name of a spadsheet, etc.)5. Our user-friendly editor will help you define what information you want to parse from your emails, and extract that information into Google Sheets (like order#, user comment, etc.)6. Start the export? You can read our blog for step-by-step instructions here: https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-to-create-a-zillow-spadsheet-using-gmail-with-an-email-parser/cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time.cloudHQ website: https://www.cloudhq.net/App website: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/Pricing: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/pricingSupport page: https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/export-emails-to-excel-csv-or-google-sheet/Blog: https://blog.cloudhq.net


Gmail Select Sender Email
允许您通过在 Gmail 中单击发件人的姓名轻松复制发件人的电子邮件。此扩展程序仅允许您在打开的 Gmail 电子邮件中单击发件人的姓名,以复制发件人的电子邮件。当您单击发件人姓名时,它会自动将文本更改为发件人电子邮件并突出显示。然后在你 pss crtl-c 或 command-c 之后,它会恢复到原来的文本。
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