

将您的新标签变成高效的工作区,组织书签,使用每日动态壁纸和励志名言来激励您装修房子。您挑选出完美的手机壳。但是您的浏览器起始页呢?与Homey见面,这是使您的首页舒适,自定义并提高生产率的应用程序。Homey: Productivity Start Page 拥有漂亮的动态壁纸,天气和个人注释之类的小部件,创建易


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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将您的新标签变成高效的工作区,组织书签,使用每日动态壁纸和励志名言来激励您装修房子。您挑选出完美的手机壳。但是您的浏览器起始页呢?与Homey见面,这是使您的首页舒适,自定义并提高生产率的应用程序。Homey: Productivity Start Page 拥有漂亮的动态壁纸,天气和个人注释之类的小部件,创建易于访问的书签的功能以及就在您的起始页上的搜索栏!由于日常工作的单调乏味,我们有时会感到无聊,或者有时我们可能缺乏灵感来振作精神,使我们的生活变得有趣。这些问题使我们失去生产力,甚至会对我们的情绪状态产生不利影响。这听起来像是一个琐碎的问题,但事实并非如此。如果情绪状态得不到照顾,那实际上也会影响员工的生产力。为了解决此类问题,我们推出了一款极富创造力且非常便捷的Chrome扩展程序,名为Homey: Productivity Start Page(https://homey-app.online/)。Homey旨在为您的浏览器提供舒适温暖的氛围,使您感到积极,充满活力和富有成效。安装后,Homey: Productivity Start Page 在选项卡页上为您提供精美的动态壁纸,可帮助您保持镇定。它既快又轻,换句话说,已针对最佳性能进行了优化。在功能强大的书签管理器的帮助下,它可以帮助您将所有书签组织为首页上的漂亮图标。它还在您的首页上有一个搜索栏,因此您不必真正进入搜索引擎。还有很多其他很酷的功能。例如:它提供了诸如天气和个人注释之类的小部件以及鼓舞人心的每日报价,它使您的PC的标签页更像是平板电脑/手机的直观屏幕,带有类似于应用程序的书签。“我们所有人都希望生活更有生产力,但是生产力的最重要秘诀是我们的情感状态。 Productivity Start Page 是每天与所有打开初始页面的人们分享我的温暖的方式,”。我们注意到,在大型组织中,重点主要放在生产力上,而忽略了员工的情绪状态。这说服了我们推出像Homey: Productivity Start Page 这样的工具。我们也称Homey为“个人情绪助手”,这肯定归功于它提供的功能。此外,它真的很轻便且易于使用,这意味着它既不会浪费您的PC,也不会浪费您的精力。您所要做的只是打开计算机,然后Homey: Productivity Start Page 将确保舒缓的动态壁纸在一侧提供有关天气和注释的信息,而在另一侧提供所有书签的信息,欢迎您的到来。自推出以来,成百上千的用户发现它易于使用,清洁,美观,并大大提高了生产力。有了这样的反馈,Homey: Productivity Start Page 有望成为您的首选Chrome扩展程序。作為 Chrome 的標籤擴展,Homey 不僅為您提供高效的小部件和標籤工具集。 Homey 在這里通過舒緩的動態壁紙改善您的情緒和心理健康。你喜歡什麼主題作為你的 Chrome 壁紙:夏天、旅行、抽象、動物、太空,還是?所有動態壁紙都進行了最方便的分類,以便於挑选和設置!這裡是溫馨的壁紙主要特點:— 提供動態 Chrome 壁紙,是的,它們會移動;- 有了家的壁紙,你可以選擇自己的心情;— 提供一系列由我們的策展人精心挑選的獨特動態壁紙;— 有大量免費和高級壁紙可供選擇;- 所有動態壁紙均為高清品質;— 動態壁紙適用於所有顯示器,甚至適用於 4K 顯示器;— 家有節日壁紙主題,營造節日氣氛;— 您可以將自己的 GIF 上傳為 Homey 動態壁紙;— “我的最愛”允許將您喜歡的壁紙添加到您自己的收藏中;— 備用收藏功能自動更改特定類別的壁紙;— 如果您想要靜態壁紙,您可以隨時凍結 Homey 動態壁紙。除了當前的功能和優勢外,Homey 還提供更多功能。開發人員不斷擴展動態壁紙的集合、改進界面並添加新功能。最好的。還在。來!!!壁紙即將更新:— 更多新的壁紙類別;— 更精彩的動態壁紙,免費和付費;- 播放列表歷史功能查看上一個和下一個壁紙;— 高級訂閱者的一系列獨家選項。Version Updates:v.4.14— Get into the holiday spirit with new Christmas themes— Popular sites bookmarks tab— Ukrainian localisationv.4.13— Redesigned welcome dialogue— Fixed stuck issue after passing the welcome dialogv.4.12— Provided the ability for users to upload up to 3 of their own wallpapers in the Homey New Tab free version.v.4.11— Released pmium version;— Added “My Favorite feature” that allows adding wallpapers to favorite list;— Localised new tab to Spanish language;— Offered users to upload their own bookmark icons;— Offered users to upload their own animated GIF’s;— Provided a login by Google feature.v.4.10— Optimized bookmark icons size;— Optimized new tab bookmarks rendering performance;— Added an option to drag-n-drop bookmarks to folders;— Released Microsoft Edge version;— Fixed military time format;— Optimized the loading speed of search results;— Added an “Alternate wallpapers collection” feature.v.4.9— Re-layout settings page UI;— Added an option to hide widgets when showing internal search page;— Fixed font loading speed;— Optimized new tab initialization speed.v.4.8— Added a “Rate us” notifications dialog.v.4.7— Added custom transparent scrollbar;— Developed responsive design that automatically adjusts for different screen sizes;— Provided an ability to control the count of bookmarks in the row;— Added search page animations;— Fixed search panel behavior issues (highlight, hover, restore initial text);— Developed integrated search page on new tab;— Added Ecosia search engine;— Updated Google icons;— Provided visibility control of widgets sidebar;— Added a response page for users who uninstall Homey New Tab extension;— Offered an option to clone or sync own bookmarks on welcome dialog.v.4.6— Created an onboarding tooltips tour;— Added Nature wallpapers collection;— Provided an option to change the new tab search engine by clicking the icon in the search bar;— Provided the ability to move and sort bookmarks position, Drag-n-Drop bookmark feature;— Updated Privacy security. Enabled restricted HTTPS mode;— Updated wallpapers modal page for widescreen resolution;— Applied “Flower and rain” wallpaper as p-default initial wallpaper.v.4.5— Added an “Alternate Collection” feature to automatically change new tab wallpapers from a certain category daily;— Set up Homey extension as a new tab at startup;— Added a dropdown menu with Google Apps bookmarks;— Upgraded bookmarks grid engine;— Added modal show/hide animations.v.4.4— Added a blur backdrop filter on modals and widgets;— Fixed unexpected scrolling when middle-clicking on the bookmark on Windows;v.4.3— Fixed issue with searching URL instead of redirecting;— Updated font for Quotes;— Uploaded Animals wallpaper collection;— Fixed blink on tab change;— Developed sync bookmarks when returning to a new tab;— Added a change search engine option in the settings modal;— Uploaded New Year and Christmas live wallpapers;— Created an autosuggest geolocation feature in the weather widget;— Added Love and Inspiration quotes categories;— Updated icons design.v.4.2— Added DuckDuckGo, Baidu, and Yandex search engines;— Integrated Facebook “like” button;— Developed blur background under UI elements.v.4.1— Created a side panel with fast access to the main browser features: bookmarks, history, downloads, installed extensions, chrome web store, and backgrounds gallery;— Provided Sort/activate/deactivate widgets options.v.4.0— Updated new tab layout;— Added live wallpapers gallery;— Optimized layout for small screen sizes;— Added widgets panel on new tab;— Added Inspirational quotes widget;— Added Weather widget;— Added Notes widget;— Included Google fonts;— Included author annotation;— Developed search suggestions with the most used bookmarks;— Created “Find the next random wallpaper” button.


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