Plus for Trello (时间跟踪, 报告,规划)

Plus for Trello (时间跟踪, 报告,规划)6.0.6

报告,计时器,标签,离线支持,燃尽图,对卡片/列表/任务版/用户/团队对时间和花费的预估, 历史记录, 更多功能等你探索!Editor's Choice at the Chrome Store!trello.com is a free project organizer with over 20 million


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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报告,计时器,标签,离线支持,燃尽图,对卡片/列表/任务版/用户/团队对时间和花费的预估, 历史记录, 更多功能等你探索!Editor’s Choice at the Chrome Store!trello.com is a free project organizer with over 20 million users.English, Español, 中文 (Chinese), Português, Français, Русский, Danish, Nederlands built-in help tours.Plus extends Trello since 2013. Trusted by over 70,000 users and growing!card counts • burn-downs • timers • due dates • scrumstacked charts • reports • spent & estimate • user and global estimates • p-estimates • offline • export • stealth mode • multiple teams and much more!Tour bubbles guide you through all features!Free • No ads • Open Source • New features weeklyAlso for Firefox, iPhone, Android, Safari, Edge with the light or power-up version.click ‘Website’ (plusfortrello.com) below for more.★ Super fast and tightly integrated with Trello.★ Reports and charts about cards, labels, due dates, lists, boards, teams…★ Track your team’s daily ‘Spent’ progress as users reach their ‘Estimates’.★ Assign estimates to users or globally per card. Transfer estimates.★ Track and Chart estimation changes.★ Also supports the “Scrum for Trello” format in card titles and checklist tasks.★ Enter card Spent and Estimate for you or assign to other users even from mobile!★ Spent Timers stay always on top, even if you close Chrome or don’t open Trello!★ Tour inside every Trello screen guides you step-by-step★ Detect increased or decreased Estimates, stalled cards, Due dates, Cards in the wrong list.★ Card counts and Spent/Estimate/Remaining custom stacked charts, reports, burndowns.★ Chrome Plus Menu with one-click access even when offline:- Search all boards and cards.- Detect users not entering Spent on-time.- View new team S/E entries and modifications since your last review.- All your boards S/E and ‘% advance’.- Daily/weekly/monthly/yearly spent by user, board, labels…- Access reports, charts and burn-downs anytime while on any web page or offline.★ Multiple teams sharing boards and managers with multiple teams.★ Export reports to the clipboard, Excel or CSV files. Paste reports and pivots on on emails, Spadsheets, etc.★ Export charts as PNG images.★ Timers inside cards, or enter spent/estimate with the Plus card bar, from the mobile app or the power-up.★ More/Less button to hide inactive boards and cards.★ Integrated contextual drill-down charts and reports inside Trello.★ Seamless sync with Trello and your team. Three sync modes including “Stealth team Spent/Estimates” which does not modify or store anything inside Trello.★ Customize card backgrounds with label colors.★ Much more! updated weekly.FAQ:http://www.plusfortrello.com/p/faq.htmlNews:https://plus.google.com/collection/khxOcPrivacy policy:http://www.plusfortrello.com/p/privacy-policy.htmlGoogle Developer Experthttps://developers.google.com/experts/people/sigmund-zig-mandelFull change history:http://www.plusfortrello.com/p/change-log.htmlEnd-user licence agreement (EULA):http://www.plusfortrello.com/p/eula-plus-for-trello-end-user-license.htmlTrello includes Plus in their official documentation:https://trello.com/c/BEmlErgN/141-plus-for-trellohttp://help.trello.com/article/941-time-trackingPlus source:https://github.com/zmandel/Plus-for-TrelloNote: The makers of this extension are not associated with Trello Inc.


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