Save Emails to PDF by cloudHQ

Save Emails to PDF by cloudHQ1.1.0.20

将 Gmail™ 电子邮件导出、转换和保存为 PDF 文档这个扩展可以让你轻松地将Gmail™电子邮件转换为PDF文件。我们的服务只需点击3次,你就完成了!有了这个扩展,你可以。✔️创建一个硬拷贝备份的电子邮件为自己的记录✔️将多个电子邮件合并成一个PDF文件✔️将多封邮件备份成独立的PDF文件✔️只保存您的电子


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

203KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

将 Gmail™ 电子邮件导出、转换和保存为 PDF 文档这个扩展可以让你轻松地将Gmail™电子邮件转换为PDF文件。我们的服务只需点击3次,你就完成了!有了这个扩展,你可以。✔️创建一个硬拷贝备份的电子邮件为自己的记录✔️将多个电子邮件合并成一个PDF文件✔️将多封邮件备份成独立的PDF文件✔️只保存您的电子邮件的附件到PDF✔️完美的电子邮件通信- 上传至客户关系管理软件- 发送给律师进行诉讼- 发送发票、收据、发票给会计人员- 发送给内部人力资源部门这个扩展是很好的。1. 房地产经纪人。🏡将您所有关于销售交易的Gmail信息打包,并上传到SkySlope或其他您正在使用的CRM中。2. 律师和法律专业人士。⚖️保存、组织和分类所有Gmail信息到一个文件,并提交给法院。⚖️将所有在线对话(发送的文件、收到的文件等)转换成一个文件,然后可以轻松地Clio或你正在使用的另一个CRM。3. 项目经理和团队领导。🚧将所有的项目沟通归档为一个文件,并保持其有序。🚧 设置自动保存与项目有关的对话的Gmail标签到你的谷歌共享驱动器,以便与你的团队协作。4. 企业主。💼 获取您所有带有收据的Gmail信息,并按日期、客户等进行整理。6. 承包商。💻 归档所有与客户的沟通。7. 任何需要转换、保存和归档重要在线对话的人,这是为你准备的! 🕵️👮🏾♀️👨🎨🧑🎤👨💻🤵🏻♀️👩🔬🧕🏽🧑💼🧑🔧👩🏿🏫🧏👷下面是你可以用这个Chrome扩展做的一切。1. 你可以保存。- 一条信息或对话- 多条信息或对话- 整个Gmail标签- 匹配你的电子邮件过滤器的信息和对话- 你的整个Gmail帐户2. 你可以将你的邮件保存到这些平台中的任何一个。- 一个可下载的PDF- 谷歌驱动器- Dropbox- 盒子- OneDrive- 淘宝网3. 功能选项,你可以选择。* 包括或不包括附件* 只保存你的附件(不保存正文本身,只保存附件)。* 添加页码* 浓缩格式(所有签名、引语和其他不必要的数据都被删除)。* 为打印目的选择适当的页面大小* 用密码保护来加密你的文件(对于法律文件来说,强烈建议使用)。*将你的电子邮件作为pdf附件转发给其他人* 将您的在线对话作为一个文件保存,并选择* 将电子邮件转换为PDF,将您的在线对话保存为一个压缩文件,每个Gmail信息或对话都是独立的PDF文件*转换和保存电子邮件到PDF作为一个文本(TXT)文件*将电子邮件转换并保存为一个HTML文件的PDF文件* 使用安全的分享链接分享PDF电子邮件包我们知道,没有一种尺寸适合所有人–特别是当它涉及到你的Gmail时,但有了这些灵活的功能,你应该用这个扩展覆盖。云总部。帮助你的生产力,一次只需一次点击。网站:https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.com价格:https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.com/pricing支持页面:https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/save-emails-to-pdf/博客:https://blog.cloudhq.net~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This extension lets you easily convert Gmail to PDF. Our service works in just 3 clicks, and you’re done!With this extension you can:✔️ Create a hard copy backup of email messages for your own records✔️ Merge multiple emails into one PDF✔️ Backup multiple emails into separate PDFs✔️ Save only the attachments of your emails into PDF✔️ Great to upload your email correspondence and:- Upload them into your CRM, like Salesforce, Zoho, etc.- Send it to your lawyer for legal proceedings- Send your bills, receipts, or invoices to your accountant- Send it to your human resources department for any internal issuesThis extension is great for:1. Real estate agents:🏡Package all your Gmail messages regarding your sales transactions and upload them into SkySlope or another CRM that you’re using.2. Lawyers and legal professionals:⚖️ Save, organize and sort all Gmail messages into one document and submit it to court.⚖️ Convert all online conversations (sent documents, received documents, etc.) into a single file that you can then easily Clio or another CRM that you’re using.3. Project Managers and Team leads:🚧 Archive all project communication as one document and keep it organized.🚧 Setup an automatic saving of Gmail labels with project-related conversations to your Google Shared Drive for collaboration with your team.4. Business owners:💼 Get all your Gmail messages with receipts and organize them by date, customer, etc.6. Contractors:👩‍💻 Archive all communication with your clients.7. Anybody who needs to convert, save and archive important online conversations, this is FOR YOU! 🕵️👮🏾‍♀️👨‍🎨🧑‍🎤👨‍💻🤵🏻‍♀️👩‍🔬🧕🏽🧑‍💼🧑‍🔧👩🏿‍🏫🧏👷Here’s everything you can do with this Chrome extension:1. You can save:- A single message or conversation- Multiple messages or conversations- An entire Gmail label- Messages and conversations matching your email filters- Your entire Gmail account2. You can save your emails to any of these platforms:- A downloadable PDF- Google Drive- Dropbox- Box- OneDrive- Egnyte3. Feature Options you can choose to:* Include or exclude attachments* Save your attachments only (not the body itself, but just the attachment)* Add page numbers* Condensed format (all signatures, quotations and other unnecessary data is removed)* Select an appropriate page size for printing purposes* Encrypt your file with password protection (highly encouraged for legal documents)* Forward your emails as a pdf attachment to someone else* Save your online conversation as one document with your selection* Convert emails to PDF by saving your online conversations as a zip file, with each Gmail message or conversation in separate PDF files* Convert and save emails to PDF as one text (TXT) file* Convert and save emails to PDF as one HTML document* Share PDF email packages using secure share linksWe know that not one size fits all—especially when it comes to your Gmail, but with these flexible features, you should be covered with this extension.cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time.Website: https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.comPricing: https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.com/pricingSupport page: https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/save-emails-to-pdf/Blog: https://blog.cloudhq.net


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