

鱿鱼游戏壁纸扩展程序重新定义了您的Chrome新标签页成为鱿鱼游戏的背景壁纸。鱿鱼游戏粉丝的主题。This extension features some of the great Squid Game background to make you feel good on your Chrome browse


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

31.55MB 0 人已下载 手机查看

This extension features some of the great Squid Game background to make you feel good on your Chrome browser for FREE.
Extension Features:

Shuffle Squid Game wallpaper every time you open a new tab.
Randomize Squid Game background theme in settings option.
Get easy access to popular sites with custom web search.
Quick access to your emails and social media accounts.
Show current date and time automatically.
New Note for you to write down your tasks.
Get easy access to your most frequently visited websites.
Get easy access to your bookmarks websites.
Quick access to Google apps.
Quick access to More Themes.
Easy Sharing to Social Media.
Enable fun snow, rain, falling leaves, fireworks animation in new tab.

If you have any questions about our Squid Game wallpaper new tab extension or just want to give us some feedback, feel free to send us a message or write a review! We’d love to hear from you. You can mouse over to Support tab on the extension, then click on "visit the developer’s support site" to contact us.
If you wish to remove this new tab extension, follow this steps:

Click the 3-dot icon at the top-right corner of your screen.
Hover your mouse on More tools then click Extensions.
Find the Squid Game wallpaper extension.
Press "Remove"

OR –
Right-click the extension icon on the extension bar (next to the URL bar) and select Remove from Chrome.


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