

观看影片时, 可直接撷取片源, 并开启只有该影片的网页(影片填满整个浏览器)观看影片时, 可直接撷取片源, 并开启只有该影片的网页(影片填满整个浏览器) When watching the video, this extension is able to catch the video source, then


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

341KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

观看影片时, 可直接撷取片源, 并开启只有该影片的网页(影片填满整个浏览器)观看影片时, 可直接撷取片源, 并开启只有该影片的网页(影片填满整个浏览器) When watching the video, this extension is able to catch the video source, then it can have a page which contains the video element in whole view. —————————————————————————————– Current Support Video (Already Test) 1.Accourding Video Format (1)HLS video -m3u8 (2)Common video format -.mp4, webm. 2.Accourding Video Host (1)Youtube -*__But__* the video which is restricted to embed doesn't support. (The embed property is set by the person who upload the video) (2)Twitch -live and video, but I don't want to support *clip*. >_^ (3)Dailymotion (4)Vimeo (5)Facebook –I do my best to make this extension support this site, due to facebook will dynamic get a lot of data when you at it home page which URL is "www.facebook.com/", so I “disable this extension“ when you at that page. If you want to experience this extension on facebook, please “click the video to open it, and you will see this extension is enable again“. –Furthermore, I use iframe to embed video from facebook and in short I can't get the video size so I develop some interesting features to handle it which one of it is to set all video to 16:9 ratio by default and you need to explore others by yourself.


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