NTU Library Proxy

NTU Library Proxy2.7

NTU library proxy helperFor Nanyang Technological University students and staff only.This extension is developed by a former NTU PhD student and is not relat


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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NTU library proxy helperFor Nanyang Technological University students and staff only.This extension is developed by a former NTU PhD student and is not related to NTU library. For any problems, please drop an email to shaohua at gmail.com.UPDATE v2.7 (8/2022)Removed an unused and unnecessary permission “tabs”.UPDATE v2.6 (2/2018)Some users report errors like “your connection is not private”. The redirected URL has been set to use http connections always. (Sorry the update v2.4 on 1/2018 was buggy.)UPDATE v2.3 (6/2013)Removed a feature (which behaves like a bug): if you pss the button with some text selected on the page, Google will be invoked to query that text.IMPORTANT UPDATE to v2.2 (6/2013)***************************Changed the manifest file to conform with the new format requirement.功能:打开主要的几个数据库上的文章页面时候,会自动重定向,使用NTU学术代理打开全文。如果不能自动定位,则请点击工具栏的NTU Logo, 插件会作重定向,使用NTU学术代理打开全文。If the automatic redirection doesn’t work, you can still use it in the old way: click the “NTU logo” on the extension tool bar and the current web page will be “proxified”.A twist: since the fancier functionality of this new version requires more rights of your browser, when you are upgrading from the old version, Chrome’s security policy will disable this extension automatically. You can just safely re-enable it.如果你已经安装旧版本,在chrome里边”update extensions now”后,会提示新版本需要更多权限,因此被禁用。然后Re-enable就行了For some major academic databases, such as “sciencedirect.com” and “wiley.com”, the extension redirects your browser to the full text immediately. For other major academic databases, including “ieeexplore.ieee.org”, “acm.org” and “springerlink.com”, the extension redirects your browser on request: only when you click the “Download PDF” or “Purchase/Buy” link on that page, will this extension redirect (shown in the screenshots).In either case, you will be asked to log in to your NTU account first, if you haven’t.****************** EXAMPLE ******************http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4597201First the extension will redirect the above link to:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.ezlibproxy1.ntu.edu.sg/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4597201In the second page, you can download its citation, but the fulltext is unavailable.So you need to click the “Purchase Now” button below “Access the Full Text” and this extension will intercept the click and redirect the browser (please allow 3-5 seconds for its loading) tohttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org.ezlibproxy1.ntu.edu.sg/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=4597201&tag=1and now you get the PDF fulltext.Most academic databases work well, except for “ieeexplore.ieee.org”. It often leads to an “invalid cookie” page in the first use after you logged in. Don’t worry: You just need to go back to the initial link, and click on “Purchase Now” for the 2nd time, usually the error will disappear.If the automatic redirection doesn’t work (that means, this academic database isn’t specially treated by our automatic mechanism), you fall back on the old usage: click the NTU logo on the toolbar, and this extension redirects you to an address whose domain is appended with “.ezlibproxy1.ntu.edu.sg”. If this academic database is purchased by NTU library, in most cases you gain access to the full text now. If the database is not purchased, NTU library will tell you this is an invalid address.Hope this extension makes your academic life a little bit easier 😀


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