

一个易于使用的翻译附件。轻松翻译所选文字。轻松翻译整个网页。轻松翻译输入文字⭐0. 全球可用🌏You can use this amazing add-on both in China Mainland (where google is banned) and Rest of the world.⭐1. 划词翻


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

310KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

一个易于使用的翻译附件。轻松翻译所选文字。轻松翻译整个网页。轻松翻译输入文字⭐0. 全球可用🌏You can use this amazing add-on both in China Mainland (where google is banned) and Rest of the world.⭐1. 划词翻译:You can select Text in any webpages, then you’ll get its translation easily.⭐2. 整页翻译:Translate whole webpage or link into your language.⭐3. 输入翻译:You can input text in the add-on’s popup, and get translation immediately.⭐4. 快捷键支持:Translate with keyboard shortcuts.💪如果你也想做出贡献💪:1. open issues to report bugs or new needed features :https://github.com/lyldev/yi-translate/issues/new/choose2. clone this repo to fix bugs or add new features, then pull request :https://github.com/lyldev/yi-translate3. help to localize this add-on :https://poeditor.com/join/project/emwUnKSv3K💖捐赠链接💖:If you think this add-on is helpful, please give it a 5-star review. You can also donate to the develper to help this add-on become better.——for people outside Mainland China:support on Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lyldev——大陆用户请使用:爱发电 :https://afdian.net/@lyldev


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Private Note as default for Zendesk
此扩展在 Zendesk 中显示将私人笔记设置为默认值打开工单时默认选择私人笔记。变更日志: 1.1: - 如果 url 发生变化,请再次检查- 只检查可见的私人笔记按钮

