Run Selected HTML

Run Selected HTML0.4.0

This is an extension that helps you to run html codes,when you read some articles with HTML sample codes on page.[By @hiwanz]If you are a web developer,you w


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

73.04KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

This is an extension that helps you to run html codes,when you read some articles with HTML sample codes on page.[By @hiwanz]If you are a web developer,you will need this,this is a helpful extension for you when you read some html related blogs,you can select demo codes on the blog then right click your mouse,click the “Run Selected HTML” on the context menu,and see the demo immediately.当你在阅读一些技术博客的时候,博主可能会在文章中给出一些示例代码,如果他的代码没有立即运行的功能,你就需要这样一个扩展,它可以直接右键运行选中的HTML代码,使你可以立刻查看示例代码的效果 [By @hiwanz]get it on github: https://github.com/hiwanz/Run-Selected-HTML/


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