观看影片前, 启动扩充功能, 再点击影片全萤幕按钮, 即可使影片填满整个浏览器功能描述(Description): —使影片填充整个浏览器画面—(Let the video fill the browser view)使用说明(User guide): —已启用(Enable): 插件按钮为红色(The colo
更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:工具语言:中文平台:
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观看影片前, 启动扩充功能, 再点击影片全萤幕按钮, 即可使影片填满整个浏览器功能描述(Description): —使影片填充整个浏览器画面—(Let the video fill the browser view)使用说明(User guide): —已启用(Enable): 插件按钮为红色(The color of the extension button is red) —已停用(Disable): 插件按钮为灰色(The color of the extension button is gray) —步骤一(Step 1): 点击插件按钮以启用(Click the extension button to enable the feature) —步骤二(Step 2): 点击影片全萤幕按钮(Click the full screen button of the video) —步骤三(Step 3): 享受剧院模式(Enjoy the theater mode) —※若您想使用传统全萤幕而非剧院模式, 点击插件按钮停用即可—(If you want to watch the video in whole screen, click the extension button to disable the feature) —※当发生以下状况, 插件将自动停用: (1)切换Chrome页签(2)切换不同的Chrome视窗(3)浏览器全萤幕—(The extension will disable automatically when encountering the following situations: (1)Switch to another chrome tab(2)Switch to another chrome window(3)Browser full screen)