

智译-网页翻译插件支持17种主流外语/少数民族语言,自动识别网页语言并翻译,带你享受前所未有的实时高效翻译体验!智译-网页翻译插件是由新译科技推出的智能网页翻译工具,在您浏览网页时,它可以自动检测页面的语言,并快速地翻译为您设置的目标语言,让您在浏览外文网站时,不再不知所云。Newtranx Browser Tr


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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智译-网页翻译插件支持17种主流外语/少数民族语言,自动识别网页语言并翻译,带你享受前所未有的实时高效翻译体验!智译-网页翻译插件是由新译科技推出的智能网页翻译工具,在您浏览网页时,它可以自动检测页面的语言,并快速地翻译为您设置的目标语言,让您在浏览外文网站时,不再不知所云。Newtranx Browser Translator Plugin is an intelligent web translation tool launched by NewTranx Technology. When you browse a web page, it can automatically detect the page’s language and quickly translate it into the target language you set, so that when you browse a foreign language website, you will never be unintelligible.智译支持十几种语言与中文的互译,包括:It supports the inter-translation between over 10 languages and Chinese, including:英语、俄语、德语、法语、西班牙语等欧美语言;粤语、日语、韩语、越南语、阿拉伯语等亚洲语言;维语、藏语、蒙古语、壮语等少数民族语言。English, Russian, German, French, Spanish and other European and American languages;Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Arabic and other Asian languages;Uyghur, Tibetan, Mongolian, Zhuang and other minority languages.无论是查阅资料、浏览新闻,还是网上购物,在智译的帮助下,为您节省大量时间,提升效率。Whether for looking up information, browsing news, or shopping on-line, you can save a lot of time and improve your efficiency with the help of Newtranx Browser Translator Plugin.使用说明:Instructions for use:如何开启/关闭自动翻译?在设置页,“将网页自动翻译为”选项打开,打开网页时即可自动将网页翻译为您设置的语言。如不希望自动翻译,可将此选项关闭。您可点击右下角功能条上的“译”按钮来手动发起翻译。How do I turn on/off the automatic translation?On the setting-up page, click the option of “Automatic Translation for Web Page”. Then, when you open the web page, its language will be automatically translated into the one you set.Close this option if you do not want automatic translation. You can manually initiate a translation by clicking the “Translate” button on Function Bar at the lower right corner.如何开启划词翻译?在设置页,将“启动划词翻译”选项打开,即可在页面上划选需要翻译的词或句子,智译将为您立即翻译。关闭“直接展示划译结果”,划词之后需要手动点击一旁的“译”按钮才会发起翻译。How do I turn on/off the automatic word translation?On the setting-up page, lick the “Start the Word Translation” option. Then, you can select the words or sentences to be translated on page, and Newtranx Browser Translator will conduct an immediate translation for you.Without clicking the “Direct Translation Result”, you need to manually click the “Translation” button on the side to start the translation.如您有使用问题或建议,请发邮件给我们:service@newtranx.comIf you have any problem or suggestion for use, please contact us: service@newtranx.com.


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