

Refresh identified tabs of the current browser window automatically. Multiple tabs setting for page refresh automatically, with Interval/turnover options and


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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Refresh identified tabs of the current browser window automatically. Multiple tabs setting for page refresh automatically, with Interval/turnover options and three language (en, zh-tw, zh-cn) supported. Any suggestion/bug report will be appciated.这个插件的用途,在自动刷新浏览器当中的一个或多个分页,并且记住该分页网址,下回进到同样的网页时,无需设定间隔时间即可自动刷新。另外,还有轮流切换指定分页、倒数计时及自动办识浏览器语系等多项功能,目前支援的语系有繁体中文,简体中文和英文等三种。操作面板简单易懂,不需要记忆任何快速键,就能达到自动刷新指定网页的目的。对这个插件有任何指教,欢迎透过Twitter/FB 帐号与我联络^^ —————————————————————————————————– v1.21 alpha – Fix the bug while refresh intervals set to zero or blank.当自动刷新时间设为零或空白,该网页仍继续刷新。已修正错误。 – user-defined refresh script, just in experiment.可由使用者自行定义的刷新程式脚本。例如,有网友提到能否只刷新页框而非整个网页,即可透过window.frames['页框名称'].location.reload(); 这样的脚本来取代内定的刷新机制,以达到目的。 v1.20 alpha – Click refresh-countdown indicator to pause/continue countdown.按下倒数计时图示,可暂停或继续刷新倒数。 v1.18 alpha – Auto focus to the current tab setting field when the popup window is open.操作页面开启后,自动将文字游标移至目前的网页刷新时间设定栏位。 v1.17 alpha – Different refesh mechanism to try to solve the problem of 'pinned tabs'. 'Turnover' function still not work for 'pinned tabs' in this version. v1.16 alpha – Add the "reset" button in the option page. If this extension couldn't remember the URLs you had set up before, try to pss 'reset' button and reopen Chrome again, it may works fine. v1.12 alpha – Desktop notification default value is disabled. You may enable the function with option page by right clicking the icon.桌面通知预设值为关闭。需要此功能的用户请至选项页面开启它。 v1.11 alpha – Tabs could be sorted with staying time, tab id, or even you may brings all the auto-refreshing tabs to the top.分页可依照己停留时间或分页序号递增(递减)排序。也可以将所有己设为自动更新的分页全部移至最前端。 – input box to color the tabs which web title or url match keyword. 'Enter' key will bring the matched ones to the top of all tabs. – Up or Down arrow key to change text-cursor position to the pvious(next) tab which match keyword.可使用关键字找出符合条件的分页,并以上、下方向键将文字游标移至该分页的间隔秒数输入框中,或者以Enter 键将这些符合条件的分页全部搬移至最前端。 v1.10 alpha – Fix countdown bugs when tabs added, removed, or order changed.修正当分页新增、删除、移动时所造成的倒数计时错误。 – Each tab has a stay-time displayed in grey color, to tell you how much time do you spend with this tab. Tab-sorted function will be available in future version.每个分页皆可统计您在这个分页所停留的时间。未来将加入分页排序功能,可将分页依停留的时间按高低排序。 – Option page supported. Tab drag & drop available only at the option page. v1.09 alpha – 'Enter' key to save and activate settings.按下Enter 键可储存并套用设定。 – Smart desktop notification only for updated pages.网页刷新后若察觉内容有所变动,自动以桌面通知提醒用户。


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