

Live best moves for chess.comChess guide for the most popular chess website https://www.chess.com.Sept 2021,• Supports all types of connections on Chess.c


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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Live best moves for chess.com
Chess guide for the most popular chess website https://www.chess.com.
Sept 2021,
• Supports all types of connections on Chess.com.
• Premium members now get to choose the strength of the bot. You can choose between Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced bot.
Steps to activate the account :-
• Register your account on https://chessonsteroids.web.app/
• Purchase the plan for chess.com
• This should automatically activate the account, in case there is some issue then manually copy the activation key from https://chessonsteroids.web.app/ and then paste it in the chrome extension popup.
• In case of issues with account activation feel free to shoot out an email at support@chessonsteroids.com. Emails will be replied within 2 to 3 days.
Chess.com bot extension.
This extension uses an advanced chess engine to suggest best moves on the fly (no need to click button to get suggestions and so on).
Premium members have option to choose between 3 levels of bots:
• Beginner < 1500.
• Intermediate ~ 2000.
• Advanced (GM level).
The engine has been programmed to play like a human.
The extension provides best move suggestions by highlighting the tiles on the chess board.
• Handy in your chess improvements.
• Could be used for understanding games of strong GMs as it also suggests moves in spectator mode.
Privacy Policy :-
• https://chessonsteroids.web.app/privacy-policy.html


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