視頻下載器 - 下載在線視頻

視頻下載器 - 下載在線視頻1.4.7

从Facebook、Instagram、Vimeo、YouTube 等网站下载视频。只需将它们保存到您的PC 上,稍后再观看video downloader 是一个强大的媒体工具,可以从流行的视频中心下载视频。这正是您所期待的!您是否正在寻找从网站下载视频的解决方案?视频下载器是以任何格式保存视频文件的最简单方法


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

357KB 2 人已下载 手机查看

从Facebook、Instagram、Vimeo、YouTube 等网站下载视频。只需将它们保存到您的PC 上,稍后再观看video downloader 是一个强大的媒体工具,可以从流行的视频中心下载视频。这正是您所期待的!您是否正在寻找从网站下载视频的解决方案?视频下载器是以任何格式保存视频文件的最简单方法。我们的产品在网站上每个视频文件的角落添加了一个小按钮。只需单击“下载”按钮,视频将在几秒钟内保存到您的PC。在线视频将下载到所有下载的默认根目录。 Video Downloader 以任何格式和原始质量保存在线视频。视频下载器是从主流网站下载在线视频最简单快捷的方式,包括FB、Vimeo、Twitter、Dailymotion、Instagram、vk.com、ok.ru、优酷(youku.com)、TikTok 等。来自流行网站、管和社交网络的所有视频都可以保存到您的设备中。使用视频下载器,您可以下载视频并在以后查看它们而无需访问互联网。它易于使用。在一分钟内将此视频下载器扩展程序添加到Chrome 浏览器。在目标网站上单击此扩展程序的图标,您将立即开始下载。它简单、安全且免费。您将快速免费下载视频。试试吧。无论您是需要离线保存视频供学校、工作还是个人使用,我们简单的视频下载器都能让您轻而易举。您会喜欢这个Video Downloader Pro 扩展。与其他视频下载器相比的特点: – 您可以在下载前预览视频。 – 您可以在下载前查看视频大小和格式。 – 您可以在下载前在下载页面选择画质。 – 您无需注册帐户即可使用视频下载器。您无需注册即可下载任何视频或音频。视频下载器可免费使用。 – 在内置播放器中观看视频预览- 复制下载链接分享给你的朋友它可以下载任何格式的音频,包括wma、wav、m4a、ogg、ogv、acc等。查找和下载来自不同来源的在线视频,并收集您自己的音乐剪辑、有趣的猫或健身锻炼。自己拍视频,随时离线运行。来自Instagram 的培训视频或来自Facebook 的笑话,来自Vimeo 的激动人心的旅行,甚至来自Twitter 的约会娱乐,所有这些甚至更多现在都可以在线下载。收集下载的视频,为任何行动做好准备。我们支持以下网站: Facebook、Vimeo、Instagram 等等。您无需注册帐户无需注册即可下载任何视频。此视频下载器可免费使用。请注意:某些网页需要您先开始播放视频才能帮助该视频下载器找到它!音乐下载器- 从任何网站保存视频的最快和最简单的方法。如何下载? – 去播放视频- 打开音乐下载器扩展菜单并按下下载按钮- 保存享受高质量视频Video Downloader 不是Youtube 下载器。由于Google 网上商店政策和开发者计划政策的限制,我们无法下载Youtube 视频。谢谢你的理解。如果您有问题或无法下载视频,请不要给出差评,但请给我们发送电子邮件并帮助改进扩展程序。谢谢!感谢您使用它,如果您喜欢它,请给它5 星的视频下载器扩展! Video downloader is the easiest and fastest way to download online video from mainstream websites including FB, Vimeo, Twitter, Dailymotion, Instagram and others. It's an advanced tool to download online video and save it for later. Watch favourite moments with friends or show useful guides to business partners even if you aren't online. Save interested video files to review them later on your PC. Vimeo video downloader Free Video Downloader for Vimeo website is a fast and easy way to download video in different resolutions and formats. The advanced Video Downloader from Vimeo allows users to select files in different formats for further downloading them in order to collect their own list of interesting videos. It's a free tool that works without registrations and sign ups. Just make a few clicks and here you go! Video will be saved to your PC in seconds. Facebook video downloader Download video from Facebook for free fastly and easily. Detects all video files and allows to download them in different formats. It's a working solution to download video from Facebook simply and without registration. Easy in using interface allows to select any video from the website and save it for later. Create a collection of video files that can be run offline. FB Video Downloader is a useful tool, as it gives an opportunity to download online lectures, tutorials or just favorite funny videos and review them later without an internet connection. Instagram video downloader It's an ultimate video downloader for Instagram website that allows you to save any video with any size and quality. Just open the website, choose a video file for downloading and save it to your computer. Downloader for Instagram .Enjoy saved videos anytime by yourself or together with someone. Instagram video downloader is an opportunity to get a video file and download it to your device for further watching offline. It's a great tool that was created especially for the website, so you can choose any Instagram video for downloading. Downloader for Instagram video downloader Simply download videos from for free. It's the biggest hub of video files that you can easily download to your device for further watching offline at any time. video downloader is a tool to create your own collection of loved and interesting video files for free. It's a good idea to save favourite video files from the internet to have access to them forever! Run downloaded video later at any time even without an internet connection. Save files and share with friends funny moments. Keep downloaded files on your PC for future watching. video downloader from is a unique opportunity to gather all needed tutorials, lessons or video exercises in one place that will always be by the hand. Install Video Downloader for free!


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