

划词翻译(可划长句),使用Baidu提供API,多语言支持,终身免费。说明:1.点击浏览器右上角图标,开启或关闭翻译功能2.鼠标选中文本,自动翻译内容3.首次安装,需刷新一下页面才能生效4.https://chrome.google.com/extensions/ 页面不支持划词翻译5.有任何问题欢迎邮件到 di


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

76.29KB 1 人已下载 手机查看

划词翻译(可划长句),使用Baidu提供API,多语言支持,终身免费。说明:1.点击浏览器右上角图标,开启或关闭翻译功能2.鼠标选中文本,自动翻译内容3.首次安装,需刷新一下页面才能生效4.https://chrome.google.com/extensions/ 页面不支持划词翻译5.有任何问题欢迎邮件到 dianjifzm@gmail.com6.多语言支持7.可翻译成任何目标语言(选项中设置)8.已增加开关快捷键(选项中设置)PS:原名Google Translate EX,因为Google官方不允许插件名带Google字样,所以改名为Translate EX已经改为使用最新的Google接口,速度更快本插件自2011年1月上线以来,广受好评,很感谢大家的支持.后因为长期没有维护导致app从商店下架.这次重新上架,希望仍然可以得到你们的支持(喜欢就点个赞啊亲)Instructions:1.turning on or off the automatic translating by clicking the icon on the top right corner of the explorer.2.you can get any words or sentences translated by selecting them.3.refreshing the page to activate it when installed for the first time.4.https://chrome.google.com/extensions/ is not supportive for translating.5.no matter any problem, your email to dianjifzm@gmail.com is warmly welcomed.6.being supportive for multi-language translating.7.you can reach any target language you want by setting up in options.8.a shortcut icon has been added, which can also being setted up in options.PS:As Google does not allow the plug-in with Google character, so we change the name to G Translate EX.With the latest Google api, you will enjoy it more freely.


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