

重复,加快,放慢Youtube和任何HTML5视频的速度。 创建一个精度为毫秒的循环。 创建混合播放列表。☀ Create a loop with accuracy to milliseconds.☀ Speed ​​up, slow down HTML5 video with custom variable s


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

549KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

重复,加快,放慢Youtube和任何HTML5视频的速度。 创建一个精度为毫秒的循环。 创建混合播放列表。☀ Create a loop with accuracy to milliseconds.☀ Speed ​​up, slow down HTML5 video with custom variable speed by user.☀ Rewind, fast forward HTML5 video with custom variable duration by user.☀ Add local files to the playlist.☀ Add any online video from any website to the playlist.☀ Work while offline.☀ Multi language.☀ Suggest queries + Generate random keywords.HOW TO USE:1. Play a video on Youtube, Instagram, etc.2. At the current tab, open this extension.3. Drag the sliders to set up a loop.4. Click “Apply” button below the slider to play the loop.


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