艦娘直連 Kancolle Direct Link

艦娘直連 Kancolle Direct Link2.0.2

此插件能令你游玩舰娘不需VPN, 并取得直连连结. This extension can let you playing Kancolle without using VPN, and also getting the direct link.注意: 如使用新注册的DMM帐号可能需要先使用一次VPN, 以后才能只


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

2.92MB 2 人已下载 手机查看

此插件能令你游玩舰娘不需VPN, 并取得直连连结. This extension can let you playing Kancolle without using VPN, and also getting the direct link.注意: 如使用新注册的DMM帐号可能需要先使用一次VPN, 以后才能只使用cookie修改来登入Attention: If using new registered DMM account, it may not be able to use only cookie editing to get to the game page. It may be needed to use VPN once, after that you may be able to get to the game page only by cookie editing.此插件可让你不用VPN到达舰これ游戏页面并且提取出直连连结, 以用于无痕式视窗或在其他程式中使用以及能以弹出式视窗开启功能: *自动修改cookie, 无需VPN *一键取得直连连结, 可用于其他辅助程式*一键弹出式视窗*弹出式视窗, 附有画面撷取, 缩放及静音功能*关闭游戏前有确认信息, 防止意外关闭This extension can let you access to Kancolle game page without using VPN, and also getting the direct link (API link), which can be use in incognito windows or other programs. Also, it can open the game in pop-up window. Features: *Auto editing cookies, no need VPN *Get the API link in one click, can be copied to other Kancolle browser *One click popup game window *Popup game window with window capture, zoom, and mute function *Prompt a confirm box before closing the game, pvent accidentally closed注意事项取得直连连结即可进入你的舰これ帐号请避免直连连结被他人得到包括撷图, 讯息, 及勿将直连连结贴于非无痕式视窗的网址栏Precautions Having the direct link can get direct access to the Kancolle saved data. Please pvent letting others know the direct link (API link), including screenshots, messages, and do not use the direct link other than in incognito windows.声明本插件可选择性于本地主机保存直连连结但不会修改, 或发送任何帐户资料, 及直连连结亦不会对舰これ游戏数据进行任何的干涉Disclaimer This extension can optionally stores direct link locally, but will not modify, or send any account information or direct link, and will not interfere with any Kancolle game data.


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