清除历史记录,缓存和Cookie Chrome ™

清除历史记录,缓存和Cookie Chrome ™1.3

清理您的浏览器| 删除Chrome 浏览记录, 清除缓存,Cookies,下载,表格Clear Cache 可以轻松有效地清理浏览器。点击一下。使您的浏览器快速有效地工作!您可以轻松删除: ✓ Cache. ✓ Navigation history. ✓ Cookies. ✓ Downloads history


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

1.01MB 0 人已下载 手机查看

清理您的浏览器| 删除Chrome 浏览记录, 清除缓存,Cookies,下载,表格Clear Cache 可以轻松有效地清理浏览器。点击一下。使您的浏览器快速有效地工作!您可以轻松删除: ✓ Cache. ✓ Navigation history. ✓ Cookies. ✓ Downloads history (Does not delete files). ✓ Form data. ✓ Local Storage. ✓ Passwords. ✓ IndexedDB. ✓ App cache. ✓ Web SQL Data. ✓ Data plugin. ✓ File Systems. ✓ Cache Storage. ✓ Service workers.重要功能: ✓ 它在浏览器内部的弹出窗口中打开。 ✓ 设计简单。 ✓ 免费的。 ✓ 它没有广告。 ✓ 可在离线状态下执行。 ✓ 它不需要特殊许可。您可以: ✓ 排序清洁选项(drag)。 ✓ 启用或禁用时间和清除选项。 ✓ 编辑键盘快捷键。 ✓ 两个设计主题,白色或深色。为什么使用此扩展名? 1. 提高浏览器速度。高速缓存有时会由于其获取的RAM 和内存而减慢系统和应用程序的速度。很多时候,它充满了垃圾信息,将来用户可能会不需要。主要目标是通过减少处理和数据收集来提高性能。存储大量缓存后,机器的速度和性能将受到影响。改善系统和应用程序性能是清除缓存的好处之一。 2. 删除Chrome 浏览记录。如果您不希望Chrome 记录您造访过的网页,您可以删除全部或部分的浏览记录。删除浏览记录后,相关设定会套用到您已开启Chrome 同步功能并登入Chrome 的所有装置。 3. 清除快取和Cookie。当您使用Chrome 等浏览器时,系统会将网站中的某些资讯储存到快取和Cookie。清除快取和Cookie 可以修正网站的载入或格式设定等特定问题。 4. 您将获得页面的新更新版本。这有利于对任何网页所做的任何更改都不会由于缓存而反映出来。这就是为什么开发人员始终坚持清除缓存以查看他们已实现的更改的原因。清除缓存后,将清除浏览器以查找网站的最新版本,并查看是否已进行更改。 5. 隐私保护。例如,缓存还可以存储来自某些网站的私有数据。登录凭据,手机号码等如果使用公共计算机,则下一个用户可以访问其敏感信息或个人信息。以Facebook 为例,您已登录到公共计算机,但在会话结束时尚未注销。访问以下设备的人可以访问其Facebook 帐户。这对隐私构成威胁。同样在其他情况下,如果您担心自己的隐私,删除缓存或cookie 也是一个很好的选择。减少对您的隐私威胁。兼容性:清除缓存与Chrome,Brave 和Opera 兼容。键盘快捷键(default):打开扩展名: Alt + A 对于chromeos. Alt + A 对于windows. ⌥ + A 对于macOS. Alt + A 对于linux.快速清洁: Alt + A,然后按ENTER激活白色模式: F1激活暗模式: F2关闭扩展名: ESC —————– Clear Cache cleans your browser easily and effectively. With one click. Make your browser work fast! Remove and clean: ✓ Cache. ✓ Navigation history. ✓ Cookies. ✓ Downloads history (Does not delete files). ✓ Form data. ✓ Local Storage. ✓ Passwords. ✓ IndexedDB. ✓ App cache. ✓ Web SQL Data. ✓ Data plugin. ✓ File Systems. ✓ Cache Storage. ✓ Service workers. Features: ✓ Open in a popup in the browser. ✓ Simple design inspired by material design. ✓ It's free. ✓ No ads. ✓ Works offline. ✓ Not require special permissions. You can: ✓ Sort cleaning options (drag). ✓ Select time period. ✓ Enable or disable time and cleanup options. ✓ Edit keyboard shortcuts. ✓ Choose 2 design themes, light or dark. Why use this extension? 1. Improve browser speed. The cache slows down your browser, systems and applications due to the RAM and memory it acquires. Many a times it is filled with crap information, which probably will not be required by the user in future. The prime purpose is to improve the performance by reducing the data processing and fetching. With a sizeable amount of cache stored, the speed and performance of machine is hampered. Enhancing system and application performance is one of the benefits of clearing cache. 2. Delete your Chrome browsing history. If you don't want a record of webpages you've visited using Chrome, you can delete all or some of your browsing history. If you delete your browsing history, it'll take effect on all devices where you've turned sync on and signed. 3. Clear cache & cookies. When you use a browser, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues on sites. 4. New updated version of page is fetched. The stored instance of webpage will be loaded. Any changes, in case, made to the webpage will not be reflected due to cache. That's why the developers always insist on clearing the cache memory to see the changes they have implemented. Clearing cache will signify the browser to fetch the latest version of webpage. 5. Privacy threat mitigated. The stored instance of webpage will be loaded. Any changes, in case, made to the webpage will not be reflected due to cache. That's why the developers always insist on clearing the cache memory to see the changes they have implemented. Take the example of Facebook, you have logged-in on a public machine and didn't logout at end of your session. The person accessing the device next can get access to your Facebook account. This raises a privacy threat. Also in other instances where you are worried about your privacy, deleting cache is a great option. It reduces the privacy threat for you. Compatibility: This extension is compatible with Chrome, Brave and Opera. Shortcuts Keys (default): Open the extension: Alt + A in chromeos. Alt + A in windows. ⌥ + A in macOS. Alt + A in linux. Quick clean: Alt + A and then pss ENTER Activate light mode: F1 Activate dark mode: F2 Close extension: ESC


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