Video Downloader Online

Video Downloader Online2.2

Best video downloader app in the Chrome.在线视频下载器-将任何视频文件上传到播放列表,并通过Internet随身携带这是用于将视频上传到Chrome网上应用店的最受欢迎的扩展程序。一包获取在线视频下载器,视频播放器和视频播放列表!使用Video Downloader


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

47.79KB 2 人已下载 手机查看

Best video downloader app in the Chrome.
使用Video Downloader Online,您将有机会:
直接从Internet轻松将视频和音乐下载到PC或Mac。支持所有格式。 100%免费!
Video Downloader不是YouTube的下载器。由于Google的在线商店政策和开发者政策的限制,我们无法从YouTube下载视频。谢谢你的理解。
Video Downloader可帮助您从Internet上98%的网页中找到并快速下载任何视频和音乐。只需单击扩展名图标,您将看到所有要下载的文件。选择一个文件,然后再将其保存到计算机。
为什么选择Video Downloader?
-无需浪费时间搜索可用的音乐和视频内容-Video Downloader会为您完成;

“ Video Downloader扩展程序可用于我想下载出色产品的每个视频。”
“ Video Downloader是一个非常不错的扩展,当下载自动完成时,该过程转到保存的过程,您无需执行任何其他工作。只需打开视频即可欣赏! ”
“我需要一个引导加载程序来播放FB视频。这是最容易使用的视频下载器。 ”
黛安·威廉姆斯(Diane Williams)★★★★★
“视频下载器非常棒。我一直在寻找类似的插件很长时间,但没有任何效果。 ”
艾米·诺顿(Amy Norton)★★★★★
安德烈斯·冈萨雷斯(Andres Gonzalez)★★★★★
“它每次都能工作。我没有找到视频下载器无法加载的视频。 ”
“我还要求的所有视频仍被上传。 Video Downloader的良好扩展。 ”
Yeshe Dorji★★★★★
“视频下载器的有用扩展。没有Flash®Player,我无法观看高清视频。我突然无法在笔记本电脑上观看视频-提供了闪存扩展,它的运行就像魔术一样! ”
本·阿马尔·穆罕默德(Ben Amar Mohamed)★★★★★
“ Chrome插件对于Video Downloader至关重要”
Farshad Azarnasr★★★★★
塔雷克·哈桑(Tarek Hassan)★★★★★
请注意,Chrome的Video Downloader对您上传的视频概不负责。用户在下载视频之前应始终检查视频的版权。
这不是YouTube视频下载器。由于Google Chrome商店政策和开发人员程序的限制,此扩展程序无法保存YouTube视频。
与Adblock,AdBlock Plus,uBlock Origin,Chrome的视频下载器,Flash视频下载器,其他免费视频下载器工具以及Youtube的Adblocker扩展程序兼容。没有YouTube视频下载器。
附注:您可以随时在Chrome面板中删除用于网络扩展程序的Video Downloader Online。
Video Downloader建议不要下载成人视频。在Chrome商店中分享您的经验,并享受适用于网络扩展程序的Video Downloader。

English version:
Video Downloader Online – upload any video file to the playlist and take it with you via the Internet
This is the most popular extension for uploading videos to the Chrome Web Store. Get online video downloader, video player and video playlist in one package!
With Video Downloader Online you will have the opportunity to:

Supports MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI, WEBM, ASF, MPG and more.
Lets skip parts, and you no longer have to watch ads or boring content.
Download multiple videos at once.
Download from almost 99% of video hosting sites.

Easily download videos and music directly from the Internet to your PC or Mac. All formats are supported. 100% free!
Video Downloader is not a Youtube downloader. Due to limitations in Google’s online store policies and developer policies, we are unable to download videos from YouTube. Thank you for understanding.
Video Downloader helps you find and quickly download any video and music from 98% of web pages on the Internet. Just click on the extension icon and you will see all the files to download. Select a file and give it a second to save to your computer.
Why Video Downloader?

you can download any available format – .flv video, mp4, avi, asf, mpeg, mp3 and many others;
no need to waste time searching for available music and video content – Video Downloader will do it for you;
no ads, spyware or malware;
easy to remove;
fast, free and safe.

★ Video Downloader Online Reviews – Members ★
Tom Olson ★★★★★
“The Video Downloader extension works on every video I’ve ever wanted to download an amazing product.”
Emma Kelly ★★★★★
“Video Downloader is a really great extension, when the download completes automatically, the process goes to the saved process, and you don’t need to do any extra work. Just open the video and enjoy! "
Jeff Short ★★★★★
“It works, makes my life easier), loads a lot of different formats. Thanks for the online video downloader »
David XXX ★★★★★
“I needed a bootloader for the FB video. It was the easiest video downloader to use. "
Diane Williams ★★★★★
“The video downloader is just fantastic. I have been looking for a similar plugin for a long time, but nothing worked. "
Amy Norton ★★★★★
"Thank God. Finally a video downloader that really works. I’m not even joking, I’ve tried almost twenty different extensions, and this is the only one who has done this work. "
Alyssa Wallace ★★★★★
“The only video downloader I could find that really worked and uploaded main content, not ads!”
Andres Gonzalez ★★★★★
“It works every time. I have not found a video that Video Downloader cannot load. ”
Ratana Stone ★★★★★
"Great video downloader, a big improvement over a regular player in the pipe."
Bill Pisor ★★★★★
“All the videos that I also requested are still uploaded. Good extensions for Video Downloader. "
Yeshe Dorji ★★★★★
"Video Downloader is very good, now I see 1080p at 60fps on YouTube"
Logandrop ★★★★★
“Useful extension for Video Downloader. I cannot watch HD videos without Flash® Player. I suddenly could not watch the video on my laptop – an extension for flash memory was offered, and it works like magic! "
Ben Amar Mohamed ★★★★★
“Chrome plugin is vital for Video Downloader”
Rince ★★★★★
“The video downloader is a very useful extension. I like it".
Farshad Azarnasr ★★★★★
“The video downloader is important for both individuals and business!”
Tarek Hassan ★★★★★
Amazing video downloader, best suited for my content!
Please note that Video Downloader for Chrome is not responsible for the videos you upload. Users should always check the copyright of the video before downloading the video.
This is NOT a YouTube video downloader. Due to restrictions in the policies of the Google Chrome store and in the programs for developers, this extension cannot save YouTube videos.
Denial of responsibility:
Feel free to contact us if there are any problems or suggestions.
Compatible with Adblock, AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin, Video Downloader for Chrome, Flash Video Downloader, other Free Video Downloader tool and Adblocker extension for Youtube. No Youtube Video Downloader.
P. S.: You can remove Video Downloader Online for web extension at any time in your chrome panel.
Video Downloader suggests not downloading adult videos. Share your experience on the Chrome Store and enjoy Video Downloader for web extensions.


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