視頻下載器 - Video Downloader

視頻下載器 - Video Downloader1.0.5

从Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、Vimeo 和许多其他热门网站下载视频。适用于FB、Twitter、Instagram 的视频下载器专业的视频下载器,可从任何网页快速下载在线视频。流行的Chrome 扩展程序支持多种视频格式。视频下载器是从主流网站下载在线视频最简单快捷的方式,包括FB、V


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

138KB 18 人已下载 手机查看

从Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、Vimeo 和许多其他热门网站下载视频。适用于FB、Twitter、Instagram 的视频下载器专业的视频下载器,可从任何网页快速下载在线视频。流行的Chrome 扩展程序支持多种视频格式。视频下载器是从主流网站下载在线视频最简单快捷的方式,包括FB、Vimeo、Twitter、Dailymotion、Instagram、vk.com、ok.ru、优酷(youku.com)、TikTok 等。与朋友一起观看最喜欢的时刻,或向业务合作伙伴展示有用的指南,即使您不在线。保存感兴趣的视频文件,以便稍后在您的PC 上查看。您可以尝试专业的视频下载器并注意其中的区别!无需任何注册即可免费使用扩展程序。根据您的需要以不同的可用格式和质量保存。扩展在视频页面、视频列表或嵌入视频中添加“下载”按钮。单击“下载”按钮并选择要下载的视频的质量。视频下载器如何工作? – 安装扩展程序后,转到包含视频资源的网站。 – 页面上的所有可用视频文件都将被扩展程序检测到。找到后,扩展图标上会显示一个数字标记,表示该媒体文件可供下载。 – 视频本身会出现一个绿色的下载按钮,以及所有可用的视频文件大小。 – 您只需选择要下载的视频的大小。 – 没什么复杂的!视频下载器为您提供了一种更简单的方法来找出实际媒体文件在服务器上的位置。 Chrome专业的视频下载器和音乐下载器,可以下载视频。免费、安全且易于使用。视频下载器- 最好的m3u8 下载器Chrome 扩展,可以快速轻松地在Chrome 中下载m3u8 或音频。使用这个适用于Chrome 浏览器的专业视频下载器,从您喜欢的网站获取视频和音频。它可以下载任何格式的视频,包括MP4、FLV、f4v、hlv、webm、mov、mkv等。在一分钟内将此视频下载器扩展程序添加到Chrome 浏览器。在目标网站上单击此扩展程序的图标,您将立即开始下载。它简单、安全且免费。您将快速免费下载视频和音频。试试吧。你会喜欢这个扩展。支持录制模式:可以通过录制方式下载常规难以下载的视频,也就是说它可以下载几乎任何网站的任何视频。它可以让你保留你最喜欢的直播!您现在可以使用此视频下载器将实时流下载到您的硬盘!您无需注册帐户即可使用此视频下载器。您无需注册即可下载任何视频或音频。此视频下载器可免费使用。它可以让您保留您喜爱的现场表演!您现在可以使用此视频下载器下载磁盘中的现场直播!使用弹出图标下载:单击扩展程序的弹出图标后,会显示可供下载的视频文件。扩展程序弹出图标上显示的数字对应于页面上可供下载的视频数量。笔记:视频下载器不是Youtube 下载器。由于Google 网上商店政策和开发者计划政策的限制,我们无法下载Youtube 视频。谢谢你的理解。我们真心希望我们的视频下载器对您有用!我们期待您的反馈和评分!还要写下您对改进功能的建议。 Video Downloader professional for fast downloading online videos from any webpages. The popular Chrome extension supports many video formats. Watch favorite moments with friends or show useful guides to business partners even if you aren't online. Save interested video files to review them later on your PC. You can try Video Downloader professional and notice the difference! Use extension for free without any registration. Save in different available formats and qualities according to your needs. Extension adds "download" button to video page, video list or embedded video. Click "download" button and select quality of the video you are gong to download. How video downloader works? – After installing the extension, go to a website that contains video resources. – All available video files that are on the page will be detected by the extension. Once found, an number mark is shown on the extension icon indicating that media file is available for download. – A green Download button will appear on the video itself, along with all the available video file sizes. – You just have to choose the size of the video you want to download. – Nothing complicated! Video Downloader provide you an easier way to find out where the actual media file is located on the server. Chrome professional video downloader and music downloader, you can download videos. Free, secure and easy to use. video downloader – Best m3u8 downloader Chrome extension to download m3u8 or audio in Chrome quickly and easily. Use this professional video downloader for Chrome browser to get video and audio from websites you like. It can download videos of any formats, including MP4, FLV, f4v, hlv, webm, mov, mkv, and etc. Add this video downloader extension to Chrome browser in one minute. Click on the icon of this extension on the target website, you will begin to download in no time. It's easy, safe and free. You will download video and audio fast and free. Try it. You will like this extension. Support recording mode: videos that are difficult to download conventionally can be downloaded by recording, which means it can download almost any video from any website. It allows you to keep your favorite live streams! You can now download live streams to your hard drive with this video downloader! You do not need to register an account to use this video downloader. You can download any video or audio without register. This video downloader is for free to use. It allows you to keep the live show you love! You can download the Live broadcasts in your disk now with this video downloader! Download using popup icon: Available for downloading video files are shown after clicking popup icon of the extension. Number shown on popup icon of the extension corresponds to q-ty of video available for downloading on page. Note: Video Downloader is not a Youtube Downloader. Due to restrictions of the Google Web Store Policies and Developer Program Policies we can not download Youtube Videos. Thank you for understanding. We really hope that our Video Downloader will be useful to you! We look forward to your feedback and ratings! Also write your suggestions for improving the functionality.


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