Recent History

Recent History3.0.5

本扩展可以在一个弹窗中显示你的最近访问历史、最近关闭的标签页、最常访问的页面和最近添加的书签。Thanks to all the Users who have helped make this extension better!ALTERNATERecent History with icon in addres


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

365KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

本扩展可以在一个弹窗中显示你的最近访问历史、最近关闭的标签页、最常访问的页面和最近添加的书签。Thanks to all the Users who have helped make this extension better!ALTERNATERecent History with icon in address bar:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/milbdjfbgdilllphgdmlahonjodlfokhFEATURED- http://lifehacker.com/5536343/recent-history-gives-chrome-a-better-history- http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/other/switching-to-chrome-download-these-extensions/NOTE: Please use the latest stable version of Chrome.DESCRIPTION:This extension displays your recent history, recently closed tabs, most visited pages and recent bookmarks in a one click pop-up menu.FEATURES:- Better history manager- Change number of items- Change width of popup menu- Multilingual support- Right-click history item in popup menu to copy url- Order sections for the popup menu- Show most visited with ability to remove specific urls- and more…LANGUAGES:Please help by adding better or adding more translations.CHANGELOG: – Fixed a few bugs. Added portuguese translation (Edgar Pinto).2.1.4 – Fixed ‘hanging’ issue when opening up the extension’s history page (Ctrl+H). – Fixed bug in popup window for RTL languages. Thanks to al9ub7y for finding this bug.2.1.3 – Fixed a few bugs and issues with the extension. Added new translations, Italian (Corelita), Arabic (Omar Al9ub7y) and Dutch (Tijmen).2.1.2 – Fixed delay of popup scrollbar alignment and fixed issue of bookmark stars and tips not showing on the history page. A loading screen has been added for loading history items on the history page so that all the items and functions load up properly.2.1.1 – Added new translations, Portuguese (Júnior Messias), Indonesian (Sahya), French (DARÉ Mathieu) and Spanish (Leo Díaz/Darkson). Fixed issue of vertical scrollbar hiding icons in the pop-up window. Fixed issue of long unresponsive loading times of the history page.2.1 – Added new translations, Russian (The DimoK), Korean (-SuNYouNgSaRaNg-) and Chinese (jason_jiang). Better support for languages which read from right to left has been added. You can now delete history from a specific date range by opening the calendar. Dates have been added to the changelog. More sorting options have been added to the history page. A custom share pop-up has been created for better usability. You can now middle click items in the pop-up. The date format (yyyy/mm/dd) has been added. The UI of the history page has been tweaked a little to give you a better experience. Finally an fun Easter Egg has been added, can you find it?


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Archive Page
使用 archive.today 归档网页向 Chrome 工具栏添加一个按钮。单击时,它将当前选项卡的 URL 发送到 archive.today 以保留页面快照,并在新选项卡中打开结果。还包括指向存档或搜索的链接上下文菜单、指向搜索的页面上下文菜单。存档 URL 可以添加书签以备将来参考、共享等。使用 HTT

