Email finder

Email finder5.3.4

在几秒钟内找到电子邮件地址 - LinkedIn 的免费电子邮件查找器。 在任何网站上搜索电子邮件并获得 B2B 潜在客户。Extract emails with GetProspect. Our plugin is the fast and easy-to-use LinkedIn email finder t


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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在几秒钟内找到电子邮件地址 – LinkedIn 的免费电子邮件查找器。 在任何网站上搜索电子邮件并获得 B2B 潜在客户。Extract emails with GetProspect. Our plugin is the fast and easy-to-use LinkedIn email finder tool that helps to get accurate business email addresses in seconds.✔ Email FinderIt is the best solution to find email addresses of your connections for free or any people from LinkedIn search. With GetProspect Chrome extension you can easily find anyone’s email address and generate LinkedIn leads by clicking just one button in users’ profiles.- Easily search for email addresses of your 1st, 2nd and 3rd+ Linkedin connections;- Find business email addresses of any person from the basic LinkedIn or Sales Navigator search based on your specific search filters;- Save leads with emails in bulk from Sales Navigator lead lists or LinkedIn group members;- Get all the obtained email addresses verified for FREE.✔ Bulk email finderSave hundreds or thousands of contacts at once with our batch email finder by clicking «Select all» → «Save prospects» in LinkedIn search, LinkedIn group members, or LinkedIn events attendees. Add the number of pages you want to save leads from. Our bulk email tool will automatically find and add their verified emails to your list.✔ Email finder by name and by domainYou can generate LinkedIn leads from basic search or with Sales Navigator. You just fill in your search criteria on LinkedIn, then extract hundreds of potential clients into a spadsheet.You not only get an email address – but also other data from LinkedIn:- first and last name- position- location- summary- company name- industry- company website and address- LinkedIn profile URL✔ Find email address by name with GetProspect email extractor extensionThis is how to search email by name in 2 minutes. To look up email addresses by name you enter the first and last names of the person of interest in a LinkedIn search. Go to their profile and click «Get email». The email and other information about the prospect will be saved to your GetProspect account.✔ CRM contact management softwareAll your saved leads from LinkedIn you will find in GetProspect contact management software. The web-based CRM allows you to:- group your leads in relevant folders;- segment your prospects with dynamic lists;- create custom filters;- cooperate with team members;- export your lists in the necessary format;- integrate GetProspect with Gmail or other sales tools.✔ Our email finder is ideal for:- Sales teams- Founders and owners- Freelancers- Consultants- Project managers- Digital marketers- Email marketers- Growth marketers- Recruiters- Outbound marketers✔ Main advantages GetProspect email extractor:- FREE monthly credits- Online human support- Email verification at no additional cost- Compatible with free LinkedIn, Sales Navigator and Recruiter- Pricing beginning with 49$/month- Exporting LinkedIn leads with the data in .csv or .xlsx- Saving numerous LinkedIn pages at once- Integrations with other services✔ How to use the email address finder plugin?Step 1. Install the GetProspect email extractor Chrome extension.Step 2. Go to any LinkedIn profile and click on the «Get email» button. You will see the GetProspect banner indicating that the email is found and saved.Step 3. Or make a search on basic LinkedIn or Sales Navigator, click «Select all» → «Save prospects» and get multiple pages of leads with emails.✔ FAQ1. Can I use GetProspect email finder extension for free?Yes, email extractor plugin is free, but you can use it only in the Google Chrome browser for now.2. How to find email addresses on LinkedIn?To find email with the GetProspect extension, open any LinkedIn profile and tap on the «Get email» button. The email will be automatically saved. If you want to save many emails, open the list of LinkedIn profiles in LinkedIn search, LinkedIn group, or LinkedIn events and click «Select all» → «Save prospects.»3. Can I find email address owner with GetProspect?You can find email addresses owners in your GetProspect account with the enrichment feature. Go to the «Enrich» page, choose «Email lookup section», and enter the email of interest.4. How can I use email extractor software for business?You can use the GetProspect extension to find emails of potential clients to reach them without reputation risks to your email account.5. Can I extract emails from websites by GetProspect?Yes. Go to the tab with the website and click on the GetProspect icon among your extensions. You will see the panel and field to enter the name you want to find the email for.6. Which payment methods can I use for GetProspect subscription?You can pay for the GetProspect subscription through the Fondy payment gate or BlueSnap payment gate. By default, our system offers to pay through Fondy. In case you are unable to pay by this method, try to use BlueSnap.7. How to cancel my email finder subscription?Go to the Settings icon in your GetPropsect account. Choose the Price and billing section. In the Subscription tab, find your plan and click Cancel subscription.For any further questions about email finder, feel free to contact us support@getprospect.com


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