暂停标签 (Tab Suspender)

暂停标签 (Tab Suspender)1.4.11

自动暂停,停放,休眠非活动标签并节省高达80%的内存,减少设备负载,电池和热量。如果您想一次使用多个打开的选项卡- 此扩展程序将帮助您并自动加速浏览器并清除内存。扩展暂停,停用,休眠非活动选项卡并保存高达80%的内存。卸载标签将释放内存并减少设备负载,节省电池和减少热量。此扩展程序可捕获非活动,闲置或遗忘的选项卡


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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自动暂停,停放,休眠非活动标签并节省高达80%的内存,减少设备负载,电池和热量。如果您想一次使用多个打开的选项卡- 此扩展程序将帮助您并自动加速浏览器并清除内存。扩展暂停,停用,休眠非活动选项卡并保存高达80%的内存。卸载标签将释放内存并减少设备负载,节省电池和减少热量。此扩展程序可捕获非活动,闲置或遗忘的选项卡,并使用释放的80%内存,设备资源和电池寿命暂停/暂停它们。当标签再次变为可见时,它会自动恢复到初始状态。此外,您可以启用标签关闭功能,关闭未使用的标签并将标签数量保持在指定的级别。优点:加速Chrome:挂起的标签不消耗处理器资源。最小化内存使用: Chrome的消耗量少了3-5倍带有暂停标签的内存反对正常。自动控制选项卡填充:不需要关闭未使用的选项卡手动。信息:上次更新可能会要求提供新的“contextMenus”权限,以便通过右键快速访问吊杆。 Version history: 1.3.3 Fixed Menu JS error. Reworked History page. Added Session Manager. Fixed h2c screenshot Width/Height logic. Fixed suspended screenshot size for Retina displays. Added new HOTKEYs: 'Suspend or Unsuspend Current Tab (in one HotKey)' and others. Reworked context menu with checkboxes, added separators. Added ability to click anywhere to restore. Auto adjust Restore button size based on window height. Menu extended. Fixed wizard in incognito mode. Native URL bar now shows on mouse hover. 1.2.8 Fixed issue with all tabs icons doesn't load properly. Performance improvement. Fixed empty screen without title. Fixed bug with 'The database connection is closing'. Prevent from suspend tabs with filled forms. Added new style of restore button: Top Menu (can be changed in settings) Added setup wizard. Added reset settings button. Added settings for additional CSS styles of suspended page Screenshot. 1.2.7 Migration to IndexedDB. Bug with double capture on page loading, improved capture logic. Bug with icons do not loaded but page already discarded without icon. Bug with DB is not initialized. 1.2.6 Added settings related to battery level. Added new option "Open new tabs discarded". Fixed Whitelist lost focus. Fixed problem with Zoomed pages when pview screen was over zoomed. 1.2.5 Fixed bug with slow scrolling. Fixed bugs. 1.2.2/1.2.3 Fixed bugs. Settings were categorized. 1.1.4/1.1.5 Fixed bugs. 1.1.2 Fixed bug with auto-reload on tab activation. Rework open from history page logic. 1.1.1 Speedup load suspended tabs on browser startup. 1.1.0 Added support of native discard, if suspended tab not used for a long time – increased memory save! Reworked screens storage – improved memory usage, saves even more memory now! Reworked screens storage – screens not disappear after browser restart. Added option to start tabs discarded on browser startup. Added restore form data during unsuspend. Added settings allows to disable suspender based on charging status. 0.6.0 Menu reworked. Added new option "Auto-Suspend tabs only when working on battery". Added new settings for background color of suspended page. Bug on settings page slider fixed. Tried to fix chrome://invalid problem. 0.5.7 Settings page reload bug fixed. Disk writes issue improved. Suspend bug fixed. 0.5.5 Added menu tooltips. 0.5.4 Returned 'Ignore Current Tab' menu item. Added White List user interface (May ask for "notification" permission). Removed 'http' pfix from White List tester. 0.5.3 Removed 'Ignore Current Tab' menu item. Fixed recursive suspend from context menu. Recycle button improved. Issue with pages without favicon. Fine suspend interval slider on All Settings. 0.4.9 Suspend window menu item fix. Icon does not processed as well on some sites. Auto update for old version immediate updgrade absorber. Added hotkeys. Added context menuon mouse right click(May ask for "contextMenus" permission). Fixed immediate extension update. Fixed cross OS font on popup. Fixed pause issue. 0.4.8: Huge performance optimization. Added tab icons status animation. Added Recycle function control on popup page. Added history of suspended tabs. Added native tab URL info at the top of parked page. Added if user click refresh browser button on suspended tab – unsuspend tab. Fixed wrong weight calculation on tab close logic. Audiable exception logic improved. Restore tabs on startup only if according setting setted. Fixed: tabs playing music have more points opposite tab without music for 'tab close' case only. 0.4.7: Added audible option. Added auto restore tabs after auto-update extension on enable-disable action. (earlier lost all suspended tabs) Added popup with slider for fast access to suspend-interval settings. Improved auto-close tab logic. Performance improvements++. Added new functional buttons: "Suspend other tabs", "Restore All". Added Pause Suspender function. Added "Ignore current tab" option. Added option to reload a tab when restoring, instead of just displaying the cached version of the page. Added option to restore tab by mouse click instead of mouse hover. Fixed bug with unparked tab stuck in parked state. Reworked exception list, added * support, now supports 'subdomain.*' or '*.domain.com' patterns. Add test interface for exception list testing. 0.4.6: – Fixed bug with tab suspend stops after some time. – Added ability to suspend tab manually. – 'Very slow PC' options detects automatically – actual for ChromeOS. 0.4.5: – UI fixes. – Close tab logic improved. 0.4.4: – New option to exclude sites from being suspend. – Fixed orthographical errors. – Fixed Restore from History or OneTab plugin. – Fixed generated favicons injection. – Added mode for super-slow PC(for the case when the video slows down) 0.4.3: – Improved blinking of restore- button. – Added correct suspended favicons for pages without favicon.


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