单点登录 (SSO) 助手

单点登录 (SSO) 助手3.4.1

Access Manager、CloudAccess 和 SecureLogin 用户自动进行 Web 和 App 登录、获得单点登录体验的安全方式。您的 Access Manager、CloudAccess 或 SecureLogin 管理员可以配置针对网站和应用程序的单点登录连接器。此扩展允许您将这些站点的登


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

345KB 0 人已下载 手机查看

Access Manager、CloudAccess 和 SecureLogin 用户自动进行 Web 和 App 登录、获得单点登录体验的安全方式。您的 Access Manager、CloudAccess 或 SecureLogin 管理员可以配置针对网站和应用程序的单点登录连接器。此扩展允许您将这些站点的登录凭证安全地保存在安全的服务器上,并可以在后续访问时,代表您自动登录那些站点。您可以通过访问 catalog.netiq.com 浏览 Access Manager、CloudAccess 或 SecureLogin 管理员能够配置的一些单点登录连接器的列表。New features:To be more compatible with more login forms, the extension no longer automatically submits the form after filling it in. Rather, if you have pviously saved credentials for a site, the extension will fill them in and let you pss Enter or click the Login button to complete the login.On configured login sites, the extension pviously would wait for you to login yourself, and then show a prompt asking if you want to save the credentials to the secure server. To be more compatible with more login forms, the new behavior is that on configured sites, if you have not pviously saved credentials, the extension will show you its own dialog prompting you to enter and save credentials for that site. If you choose to save credentials with that dialog, it will save them to the secure server and then fill them in automatically into that site’s login form.Previously, we released versions of this extension for both Chrome and Firefox that share the same code base, so that functionality and user experience will be very similar between those two browsers. With this version we have added Microsoft Edge to that list. Please note that this version (3.1.0) is the first time the extension will be made available on all three browsers, so if you look for the extension for Microsoft Edge, it may not be available for a time after it is available for Chrome and Firefox, depending on Microsoft’s extension review procedures.General bug fixes and improvements:* Improved page load times and extension compatibility by moving some code execution from the page script context to the content script context.* Console output has been cleaned up and improved.* Work more consistently with login pages that have iframes.* All necessary API calls (to save and retrieve credentials from the secure server) are now made asynchronously.Bug fixes and improvements specific to SecureLogin customers:* Improved handling of mutation events.* Single sign-on now works more consistently.


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Read Later
当您想稍后阅读时,此扩展程序会保存页面。用于保存链接以供以后阅读的 chrome 扩展。 ## 图标由塞曼提供 ## ## 网站:https://dribbble.com/Zeeman ## ******** 最后一次更新 ******** [更新 v0.3.8 2018/10/09] - 更新代码结构。 - 快
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