专注清单: 番茄工作法 & 任务清单 & 番茄钟(原小番茄)「管理工作日程和学习计划,培养专注习惯」

专注清单: 番茄工作法 & 任务清单 & 番茄钟(原小番茄)「管理工作日程和学习计划,培养专注习惯」6.9.0

帮助您专注于当前的工作和学习,基于番茄工作法,待办任务清单结合番茄钟计时器,绝佳的时间管理效率工具,帮助提高自律,摆脱拖延。Focus To-Do combines Pomodoro Timer with Task Management, it is a science-based app that will m


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

16.94MB 3 人已下载 手机查看

帮助您专注于当前的工作和学习,基于番茄工作法,待办任务清单结合番茄钟计时器,绝佳的时间管理效率工具,帮助提高自律,摆脱拖延。Focus To-Do combines Pomodoro Timer with Task Management, it is a science-based app that will motivate you to stay focused and get things done.It brings Pomodoro Technique and To Do List into one place, you can capture and organize tasks into your todo lists, start focus timer and focus on work & study, set reminders for important tasks and errands, check the time spent at work.It’s the ultimate app for managing Tasks, Reminders, Lists, Calendar events, Grocery lists, checklist, helping you focus on work & study and tracking your working hours.Focus To-Do syncs between your phone and computer, so you can access your lists from anywhere.How it works:1. Pick a task you need to accomplish.2. Set a timer for 25 minutes, keep focused and start working.3. When the pomodoro timer rings, take a 5 minute break.Key Features:- ⏱ Pomodoro Timer:Stay focused and get more things done.Pause and resume PomodoroCustomizable pomodoro/breaks lengthsNotification before the end of a PomodoroSupport for short and long breaksSkip a break after the end of a PomodoroContinuous Mode- ✅ Tasks Management: Task Organizer, Schedule Planner, Reminder, Habit Tracker, Time TrackerTasks and projects: Organise your day with Focus To-Do and complete your to do, study, work, homework or housework you need to get done.Recurring tasks: Build lasting habits with powerful recurring due dates like “Every Monday”.Reminders: Setting a Reminder ensures you never forget important things ever again, you can set up recurring due dates to remind you each and every time.Sub-tasks: Break down your task into smaller, actionable items or add a checklist .Task Priority: Highlight your day’s most important To-Do with color-coded priority levels.Estimated Pomodoro Number: Estimate the workload or set a goal.Note: Record more detailed about the task.- ? Report: Detailed statistics of your time distribution, tasks completed.Support the calculation of the total time of Focus Time.Gantt Chart of the Focus Time.Statistics on completed To Do.Statistics on time distribution of project.Trend chart of the completed To Do and the focus time.- ?? All-Platform synchronization: View and manage your goals wherever you are for better goal achieving.Support seamless synchronization within iPhone、Mac、Android、Windows、iPad、Apple Watch.- ? Various Reminding:Focus Timer finished alarm, vibration reminding.Various white noise to help you focus on work & study.Contact Us: focustodo@163.com, reply within 24 hours.Website: http://www.focustodo.cnPomodoro ™ and Pomodoro Technique ® are registered trademarks of Francesco Cirillo. This app is not affiliated with Francesco Cirillo.Users have been focused on our app for 200 million hours, join us and we help you to be focused and increase your productivity, reduce procrastination and anxiety.


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