Awesome Screenshot 截图与录屏

Awesome Screenshot 截图与录屏4.3.79

用于远程工作最佳的屏幕录制、屏幕截图和编辑工具。超级截图录屏大师是一款录屏神器,也是一款截屏神器.屏幕截图& 图片编辑,屏幕录像&视频编辑,所有这些截图,录屏功能,都被一气呵成的集成到插件和对应的网站服务中.屏幕录像功能1. 对网页内容进行屏幕录像2. 对全桌面进行录屏3. 对某一个软件进行录屏4. 录摄像头5.


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

6.39MB 1 人已下载 手机查看

用于远程工作最佳的屏幕录制、屏幕截图和编辑工具。超级截图录屏大师是一款录屏神器,也是一款截屏神器.屏幕截图& 图片编辑,屏幕录像&视频编辑,所有这些截图,录屏功能,都被一气呵成的集成到插件和对应的网站服务中.屏幕录像功能1. 对网页内容进行屏幕录像2. 对全桌面进行录屏3. 对某一个软件进行录屏4. 录摄像头5. 支持高清录制6. 支持下载为MP4格式7. 视频编辑功能(很快发布)8. 既可以保存到云端,也可以保存到本地屏幕截图和抓屏功能1. 截取网页全屏. 不论网页多长, 都可以将这个网页变成一张图片, 方便编辑和分享2. 选择部分屏幕截取3. 对屏幕可视部分进行截图4. 不但帮助保存截图,还可以保存该截图对应的URL图片批注和编辑功能1. 选择你所需要的尺寸2. 方框,圆圈,箭头等各种尺寸的批注应用场景:1. 录会议2. 录课程3. 录游戏4. 录帮助视频5. 录软件bug.截屏和录屏后,可以生成URL,一键分享.是你远程工作,远程学习,娱乐分享的得力助手.被用户称为录屏大师和屏幕录制专家.Capture your screen with Awesome Screenshot & Screen Recorder, a powerful tool for screen sharing, used by millions of users. Save screen recordings & screenshots to awesomescreenshot.com and share your videos and images instantly with unique shareable links.The two-tab popup menu allows you to switch between screen recording and screen capture easily.Want to share your screen for cases like reporting technical issue, making product demo or how-to tutorials? Set the Record tab as the primary tab in Options and start recording whenever needed.**Record**- Record your Desktop, current Tab or Camera only- Include your voice in recording with Microphone option on- Include your face in your video by embedding your webcam- Choose video dimensions from 720p, 1080p or 4K**Save & Share Recording**- Instantly get a shareable link of a video after finishing recording- Easily share a recording video to Jira, Slack, Trello, Asana, GitHub- Download uploaded videos in WebM or MP4 format- Save recordings to local diskPrefer to screenshot web pages as images? No problem, you can set the Capture tab as the primary tab.**Screen Capture**- Capture a screenshot of the page you visit, full page, selected area or visible part- Capture a screenshot of your entire screen or a specific application window- Capture visible part, entire screen or app window after delay**Annotate Screenshot**- Resize or crop a screenshot to the size you need- Annotate your screenshot with rectangle, circles, arrows, lines, etc.- Add text to your screenshot with or without background color, change text font and font size- Blur sensitive information on your screenshot- Highlight important part on your screenshot- Select a local image or paste a copied image from your clipboard to annotate**Save & Share Screenshot**- Save screenshot as image in PNG or JPG format, or download screenshot as PDF- One click to save screenshot to your Awesome Screenshot account and get a shareable link- Send a screenshot to a destination in Jira, Slack, Trello, Asana, GitHub- Copy a screenshot directly when capturing selected area for quick pasting**Contact us**If you have any questions, suggestions or feature requests, feel free to submit a report by clicking the Feedback button in the extension’s popup menu.You can also send a message to care@awesomescreenshot.com anytime. Let us know your thoughts! Thank you.**Pricing & Policy**Pricing: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/pricingPrivacy Policy: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/privacy/


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防止打开新标签。此扩展程序适用于使用带有弹出广告(在新选项卡中打开的广告)的网站的任何人。红色图标 -> TabBlock 阻止打开任何新选项卡。绿色图标 -> TabBlock 允许自由打开新标签。笔记!重定向到同一标签中的广告仍然有效!您可以尝试使用其他扩展来阻止它们,或者简单地使用“后退”按钮返回。 Tab
Forget Me Now
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