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RoPro - 增强您的 Roblox 体验

RoPro - 增强您的 Roblox 体验

玩家和交易者的理想工具。RoPro 为 Roblox 添加了许多有用的功能。RoPro为Roblox.com网站体验增加了许多有用且独特的功能。如果您想查看每个功能的细分(带有GIF预览),请访问我们的主页:ropro.ioWhat's new in RoPro v1.3:• [?.?.?.?] ??


更新日期:1970年 1月 1日分类标签:语言:平台:

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玩家和交易者的理想工具。RoPro 为 Roblox 添加了许多有用的功能。RoPro为Roblox.com网站体验增加了许多有用且独特的功能。如果您想查看每个功能的细分(带有GIF预览),请访问我们的主页:ropro.ioWhat’s new in RoPro v1.3:• [?.?.?.?] ?????? ??????? – Adds useful filtering options to the experience server list:◦ Smallest First – Reverses the order of the server list, showing the emptiest servers first!◦ Not Full – Shows servers which are not yet full!◦ Custom Player Count – Choose the maximum server capacity to show on the server list!◦ Server Region [Subscribers Only] – Filter the server list by the specific region of each server!◦ Best Connection [Subscribers Only] – RoPro will display the servers which are likely to have thefastest ping for you!◦ Newest/Oldest Servers [Subscribers Only] – Sort the server list by the servers with the newestor oldest uptime! Useful for when an experience has recently updated.• [?.?.?.?] ?????????? ????? ?????? – RoPro will display the most relevant experience for your search term directly in the search dropdown. Quickly join the experience by clicking the quick play button!• [?.?.?.?] ??????? ????????? – Adds a helpful offline indicator on a user’s profile where the online indicator typically is. Hover this indicator to see how long the user has been offline for!• [?.?.?.?] ???? ?????? ???? [Subscribers Only] – Adds server region, update version, and uptime next to a server on the server list.What’s new in RoPro v1.2.0, our biggest update yet:• ?????? ??????? – Added sandbox improvements and optimizations. The Sandbox renderer now runs at 60 fps!• ????? ????? ????? – Added a new Trade Panel which has many free trading features to make your trading experience 1000x more efficient!• ?????? ?????? ??????? – RoPro will now remember your most recent server in a game, and you can easily rejoin a recent active server after leaving or being disconnected!• ?????? ??????? – Displays your mutual friends with a user on their profile and on their friends page (similar to the Discord mutual friends feature).• ???????? ????? – Integrates with Rolimons.com to display recently discovered Roblox items which have not yet been released onto the catalog. You can find the “Upcoming Items” section on the Roblox catalog.• ??????? ????? ???? ????? ????? – Adds an entirely new sort to roblox.com/games below “Popular” which displays the top 50 games in the last 24 hours among RoPro users who have playtime tracking enabled. The total time spent in each is also displayed.• ???? ???? ???? – Adds a useful button to each item on the Roblox trade window which displays tons of information, including recently detected sales of that item, recent price changes, and even a warning label if the item is far above its normal price (Projected).• ??? ????? & ???? – Fixed many common bugs reported by users, including the Sandbox failing to load and most played games having incorrect icons. Many smaller features were added in this update as well.??? ? ???? ???? ?? ???????, ?????: ropro.io/changelogRoPro的一些主要功能:•???????-在您不拥有物品的情况下,尝试Roblox头像上的任何物品组合!•交易-使用更新的Rolimons.com值计算交易值!•??????-用自定义背景和高清壁纸自定义您的Roblox个人资料+ RoPro订户可以在其Roblox个人资料上使用动画壁纸背景•???????和???????-按类型和更多过滤器对游戏页面进行排序•????????-Pro Tier订户获得带有内置物品价值计算器的贸易通知器。轻松地从通知中拒绝或取消交易,或在新标签中打开交易。要升级到Pro Tier,请访问:https://ropro.io#pro•????????????????Flag-将交易者标记为交易机器人,并轻松拒绝已标记用户的所有入站交易•????????-Ultra Tier订户解锁了一个特殊的通知程序,通知中集成了“购买”按钮,可以让他们知道Roblox限量何时可以买到好价钱。要升级到Ultra Tier,请访问:https://ropro.io#ultra版本1.1.7(2/14/2021)中的新增功能:•修复了Pro Tier功能随新的Roblox更新而中断的问题•修复了声誉投票功能导致其被随机禁用的问题•优化交易通知程序•添加了对多种语言的本地化和国际化支持•版本1.1.8即将推出更多功能!版本1.1.6(1/13/2021)中的新增功能:•添加了额外的安全措施和修补的漏洞;组等级集成功能已删除•Trade Bot Defender-新的免费套餐功能,将用户标记为交易机器人,并拒绝所有交易机器人!•快速拒绝/取消-从侧边栏快速拒绝或取消交易而不会弹出•在交易窗口中显示基于RAP的物料是否低于或高于RAP要求•修复了与其他Roblox扩展(包括Roblox +和BTRoblox)的一些不兼容问题•将特价商品添加到头像沙箱RoPro在订阅模型上运行。虽然我们为免费套餐用户提供了许多很酷的功能,但是想要解锁更多功能的用户可以升级其会员资格!我们一直在努力开发新功能!要建议您希望我们添加到RoPro的功能或报告RoPro的错误,请加入我们的Discord服务器。重要说明:该扩展名不是Roblox制作的,不能用于玩Roblox游戏。 RoPro是第三方Chrome浏览器扩展程序,我们不隶属于Roblox或Rolimons(Roblox项目值来源于此)。有关我们如何使用和保护用户数据的信息,请阅读我们的隐私政策:https://ropro.io/privacy-policy


Reddit Picture Expand
这个简单的扩展扩展了 reddit 页面上的所有图片
OCR Scanner
一种光学字符识别 (OCR) 扩展,用于从快照中提取和翻译文本。这个扩展可以用作…一种光学字符识别 (OCR) 扩展,用于从快照中提取和翻译文本。在 Chrome 上阅读受保护的 pdf 文件时,此扩展程序可用作翻译工具。此扩展程序向您的浏览器工具栏添加了一个按钮。在用户单击按钮并选择一个区域后,扩展程序会从该区
URL carousel
从谷歌获取信息。简单的扩展,在单个选项卡中一一显示网站。当您只想使用一个选项卡的 chrome cast 时很有用。例如,锁定您的计算机后,chrome cast 将停止投射整个桌面,但会继续流式传输单个选项卡。
日语词典日语词典扩展。日语到英语/德语/法语/俄语词典。只需将鼠标悬停在单词上方,就会出现一个弹出窗口。自动取消动词和形容词的屈折变化。详细的汉字视图。字典请下载并导入一个或多个字典文件以与 Rikaichan 一起使用。 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwVl0WUbZr5
让复制的体验更美好谷歌浏览器扩展,使复制更好。此扩展具有以下功能: 1.自动复制选中的文字; 2、复制选中的html源代码; 3.复制当前标签页或所有标签页的标题和URL; 4.存储最近的副本缓存,您可以从工具栏按钮菜单中选择它; 5. 去除网页复制时的隐藏文字;博客反馈:http://kodango.com/c
Font Customizer

