Youtube 广告过滤助手

Youtube 广告过滤助手5.2.6

从Youtube™中移除视频广告。 ⓘ关于Adblock for Youtube™是一种内容过滤和广告拦截浏览器扩展程序,可阻止Youtube™上的所有广告。它允许用户防止显示页面元素,例如广告。您在Youtube上的实际视频之前看到的横幅广告,广告剪辑甚至预展广告都会被此扩展程序阻止。特征: +阻止广告,横幅和


更新日期:2021年 8月 29日分类标签:语言:中文平台:

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从Youtube™中移除视频广告。 ⓘ关于Adblock for Youtube™是一种内容过滤和广告拦截浏览器扩展程序,可阻止Youtube™上的所有广告。它允许用户防止显示页面元素,例如广告。您在Youtube上的实际视频之前看到的横幅广告,广告剪辑甚至预展广告都会被此扩展程序阻止。特征: +阻止广告,横幅和弹出窗口+阻止加载Youtube的外部网站上的广告+阻止在Youtube上加载预卷广告该技术仅基于广告拦截过滤列表,可阻止Youtube上的外部广告。我们不会改变网站本身的任何内容。 Adblock for Youtube可提升加载网站的效果(无广告和跟踪)它是免费下载和使用! ———————————- ✓权限和隐私与所有广告拦截扩展程序一样,我们在每个网站上都需要默认权限才能删除广告或弹出广告,例如嵌入式Youtube视频。 Google会在安装时显示此消息“阅读并更改您访问的网站上的所有数据”。任何视频广告屏幕检测都会在您的计算机上进行,我们无法查看或跟踪。欢迎您查看我们在GPL3许可下的开源代码或在支持选项卡中向我们发送消息! ———————————- ★评论- 用户(我们感到自豪) Eric Jones – ★★★★★ “我忘记了Youtube广告的样子” Lea C. – ★★★★★ “快乐,谢谢!适用于Youtube的Great Adblock产品。阻止所有必要的恼人的广告流行音乐和商业广告..“马塞尔- ★★★★★ “让Youtube再次愉快。我喜欢听“真正可怕的故事”类型,Youtube似乎每隔30秒就放一个广告。我终于可以再次享受它们了!谢谢Adblock Youtube!“ Dean Usikayo。 – ★★★★★ “我喜欢Youtube的Ad Block非常棒!它也是最好的。没有更多的广告。我使用其他一些adblock扩展,但大多数都错过了在Youtube上阻止预卷广告。” Steva Palchow – ★★★★★ “优秀的Youtube广告拦截器!1阻止了所有不必要的和刺激性的广告!我再也无法在Youtube上播放广告” Micha – ★★★★★ “不幸的是,我买不起Youtube Premium但却因为所有这些广告而分心,我跳过很多Youtube视频!我很高兴使用Adblock for Youtube让Youtube再次变得很棒(没有那么多的广告和免费的“ ———————————-更新日志(最新的第一个): 5.0.9 – 小错误修正。更新了材料ui 5.0.8 – 已升级的带嵌入视频的广告块代码5.0.0 – 完全重写Adblock for Youtube以符合Google Extension Webstore条款4.8.3 – 转到直接导入adblock过滤列表4.8.3 – 更新的区域设置,修复了adblock工具箱依赖项4.5.0 – 删除了CRX包的一些未使用的文件和youtube过滤列表。 4.4.1 – 修复案例警告并添加缺失的dotenv dep 4.3.9 – 禁用eval以加载Youtube列表/网址的广告块。 4.3.8 – 完全删除adblock webextension polyfill 4.1.0 – Youtube上的小修复材料ui设计。 4.0.5 – 改进了adblock onboarding的安装页面。 4.0.3 – 清理代码缩小(符合CWS) 3.7.1 – Youtube上Adblock的固定大小写警告3.6.2 – Youtube和外部网站的更新广告拦截过滤列表3.5.0 – 更新的语言环境删除了关于页面的过时adblock html 3.4.0 – 完成adblock技术重写,更清晰的代码:)此Chrome网上应用谷歌分析是谷歌公司(“谷歌”)提供的网络分析服务。 Google Analytics使用“cookies”(计算机上放置的文本文件)来帮助网站分析用户使用网站的方式。 Cookie生成的有关您使用网站的信息将由Google传输并存储在美国的服务器上。如果在本网站上激活了IP匿名化,您的IP地址将在欧盟成员国或欧洲经济区协议的其他各方范围内被截断。只有在特殊情况下,整个IP地址才会首先转移到美国的Google服务器并在那里被截断。 IP匿名化在本网站上有效。 Google将代表本网站的运营商使用此信息,以评估您对网站的使用,为网站运营商编制网站活动报告,并向他们提供与网站活动和互联网使用相关的其他服务。您的浏览器在Google Analytics范围内传送的IP地址不会与Google持有的任何其他数据相关联。您可以通过在浏览器上选择适当的设置来拒绝使用cookie,但请注意,如果您这样做,您可能无法使用本网站的全部功能。您也可以通过下载并安装适用于您当前网络浏览器的Google Analytics停用浏览器插件,选择退出Google Analytics跟踪,以便将来生效。 ———————————- English version: ⓘ About Adblock for Youtube™ is a content filtering and ad blocking browser extension which blocks all ads on Youtube™. It allows users to pvent page elements, such as advertisements, from being displayed. Banner, Ad-Clips or even proll ads you usually see before the actual video on Youtube are blocked by this extension. Features: + blocks ads, banner and popups + blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube + pvent proll ads from loading on Youtube The technology is simply based on adblocking filterlists which blocks external ad urls on Youtube. We do not change anything on the website itself. Adblock for Youtube boosts the performance to load websites (without ads and tracking) It is free to download and use! ———————————- ✓ Permissions & Privacy Like all ad-blocking extensions we do need default permissions on every website to remove ads or popups for example on embedded Youtube videos. Google displays this message on installation "Read and change all your data on the websites that you visit". Any video adblock detection happens on your computer and we do not see or track. You are welcome to review our open source code which is under the GPL3 License or send us a message in the support tab! ———————————- ★ Reviews – Users (we are proud of) Eric Jones – ★★★★★ „I forgot what Youtube Ads look like“ Lea C. – ★★★★★ „Happy and Thank you! Great Adblock product for Youtube. Blocks all the necessary annoying ad pops and commercials..“ Marcel – ★★★★★ „Makes Youtube enjoyable again. I like to listen to the "true scary story" genre, and Youtube seems to drop an ad during those literally every 30 seconds. I can finally enjoy them again! Thank you Adblock Youtube!“ Dean Usikayo. – ★★★★★ "I love Ad Block for YoutubeIt's brilliant! It's also the best. No more ads. I use some other adblock extensions, but most of them miss blocking proll ads on Youtube.“ Steva Palchow – ★★★★★ "Excellent Ad blocker for Youtube!1 Blocked all the unwanted & irritating ads! I cannot live without Ads on Youtube again„ Micha – ★★★★★ „Unfortunately i cannot afford Youtube Premium but got so distracted with all those ads, that i skipped many Youtube Videos! I am happy to use Adblock for Youtube to make Youtube great again (without so many ads and for free„ ———————————- Changelog (latest first): 5.0.9 – minor Bugfixes. Updated material ui 5.0.8 – upgraded ad block deps with embedded videos 5.0.0 – complete rewrite of Adblock for Youtube to be compliant with the Google Extension Webstore Terms 4.8.3 – move to direct imports of adblock filterlists 4.8.3 – updated locales, fixed adblock toolbox dependencies 4.5.0 – removed some unused files and youtube filterlists of CRX package. 4.4.1 – fixed case warnings and added missing dotenv dep 4.3.9 – disabled eval for loading the adblock for Youtube list / urls. 4.3.8 – removed adblock webextension polyfill completly 4.1.0 – minor fix material ui design on Youtube. 4.0.5 – improved install page for adblock onboarding. 4.0.3 – cleaned up code minification (CWS compliant) 3.7.1 – fixed case warning for Adblock on Youtube 3.6.2 – updated adblock filterlists for Youtube and external sites 3.5.0 – updated locales removed obsolete adblock html about page 3.4.0 – complete adblock technology rewrite, cleaner code 🙂 This Chrome Webstore uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States . In case IP-anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the whole IP address will be first transfered to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. The IP-anonymisation is active on this website. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing them other services relating to website activity and internet usage. The IP-address, that your Browser conveys within the scope of Google Analytics, will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. You can also opt-out from being tracked by Google Analytics with effect for the future by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Addon for your current web browser: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en or you can uninstall this extension. Thank you.


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